The War is On.

Oct 06, 2008 22:40

My room right now is friggen freezing.
All because my douschebag of a roommate.
Even though she stole my best friend. Who no longer talks to me, and the two of them spent the entirety of last week ignoring me, after an awesome weekend of drunken hookups!! YAY COLLEGE!!!! The silence stopped if they had something to bitch about (mainly me, if i was in their presence.)
Because I went home this weekend (unexpectedly) and without telling her. (b/c quite frankly she was the reason i left, i just couldn't deal with anymore of her shit.)

I have apparently signed into an agreement for the 2nd Cold War, literally and figuratively.
It's like what 40-50 degrees outside, yeah this afternoon it was warm enough to have the window open. It's 10:40pm. and she put the fan in the window on high..2 hours ago.  The fan hits me directly.  I'm wearing a cami and a short sleeve sweater. It's fucking freezing.

Now the sensible thing here, would be to ask to turn off the fan, or just go do it myself. Which comes to the new problems. Under the rules of the New Cold War

1- We do not speak to each other. If friends address the other person you are allowed to say hi or hello. No more. Then continue on being   an inanimate object in the space.
2-  You do not touch or move or utilize the other persons shit. When such person is not in the room fine, as long as you can put it back in place in the nic of time before they re-enter) This Includes, Television, furniture, fans, window access, etc,
3- Joint venture items, Party one- owns the remote Party Two Owns the Tv (and is infamous for losing such items. hence why party one owns the remote).  Party One owns the Fridge, Ipod Chargers, and Flat irons.and a busted Dvd player Party Two Owns...the Dvd Player.
  3.A- if item is wanted by the owner, but is in the separate parties territory it is lost unless easily visible and accessable. 
          ex. Tv remote on desk (fair game), Tv remote somewhere in bed (your fucked, and not supposed to be using the tv anyway).
  3.B- Special interst items.  Party two has taken items belonging to party one without Asking (thus lacking permission) but it was before   Cold War Rules were applied to the situation.  Party Two SHOULD immeadiatley hand over items (by putting them back into the proper place, or setting on the other parties desk) as soon as that item's owner has gone to  a-class b- a meal c- any event that gives the  item restoring party at least 30 minutes of alone time.  They Should NOT be kept for future use by the party that originally took them.
3.C Community Items should be placed in areas of constant use by both parties, so that that are not being compromised or held hostage on the other parties side. 
4- Try to keep the schedule as normal as possible. If Party A is usually in the room from 8:30-11a.m M-W-F. and Party B is in the room 8:30-11 Tu-Th.  This is mandated alone time. All unspoken times in which either party from the room held as private room time should be kept. The opposing parties should not purposely interefere with this schedule.
   4.A- Do as much possible to either A- stay in the room (or close by) the entire time or B- Stay out of the dorm completely until necessary during Shared time.
5- thou Shalt not gossip to people outside the inner sanctum of relations about the Cold War while in action.
   5.A- Acceptable Parties- Best Friend, The BF/GF, Parents, Family (acceptable members vary)
   5.B- Unacceptable Parties- People on both sides of the War, The CA's, Extended Friends, Gossips, People you just don't like, The Roommate of the friend whose room you are now hiding out in, Profs, TAs, the guy making your latte at Starbucks, Old Friends who you haven't spoken to in over 6 mos. Knows all people involved and just randomly ran into. Anyone who will make a point to bring it up and bite you in the ass with it., people you just met
6- Headphones are a must.  You don't Even require  music, audio, anything to be playing. Just as long as you have them in there is a valid excuse to ignore the other parties presence. Is Particularly helpful when Opposing party does not follow Headphone rule, and knows nothing of volume control.
7- Do not involve friends, or bring them back to the room to use as buffers. particularly if they are a primary instigator.
  7.A- If a friend was an instigator for the current situation, they are no longer allowed into the cold war territory when the scorned party is present, if they do break treaty, and enter, they Better have a reason and a visa. Contact should be avoided if possible.
  7.B- Friends or groups of people should not be brought back to the room during "shared time". this is irritating and unhelpful in many ways. They create reasons for you, or likely them to speak to the opposing party.  Find a Switzerland within the dorm where no one elses involved or having knowledge of the conflict will be easily accessible.
 7.C Friends who are knowledgeable of the situation, and abide by the rules of engagement are to be tolerated and usually ignored.
 7.D Stopping by the room with friend(s) to pick something up is acceptable as long as long as it is a short stop. Even Better when the opposing party is gone.
 7.E Friends can be over while opposing party is gone. But stays should be made short, unless action of opposing party is imagined to be longer (I.E. they're gone for the weekend, night etc.)  Make sure everything is back to normal before the opposing party returns.
8-The Terms of Engagement Are unspoken. They are not discussed between parties. While the terms of engagement can be discussed within party lines, and own interpretations can be made, they should follow the main construct. (this isn't the constitution, this is the playbook). If terms of engagement are ended, due to line crossing, or final resolution. They are not Spoken of. Items that have been 'lost' during this time can be asked for. As well as other various events and situations could be talked about. Be Cautious. If the terms of engagement are well known within the room, then it will not be long before the parties will be fighting again.

good luck. Cuz' Let's face it. Who ever is involved is going to need it.

Dude. This blows. The only thing getting me through is the fact that it's a  short week, and I'm going home again on Thursday. Where you know it's warm..and I can open and close a window any time i would like!! It's like Magic!  I can't wait to see how next week is going to be.. since we're not talking.. It's not really like i can remind her that I'm going home this weekend... in my defense i told her two weeks ago i was going home this weekend so. whatever.

With that note, I need to state. That because I have so much bitching about my roommate up here, and ya know other people i unfortunately have to deal with, I made my journal Friends only. My relationship with these people already sucks, what i really need is for all my posts to get out.  Because as bad as it sounds, I find this therapeutic, and it helps me get me through my week. 
So really, I'm not seeing anyone being disappointed at this turning to friends only, but i thought i'd give a heads up.

cold war, playing house, terms of engagement

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