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Dec 01, 2006 01:52

this week has been productive to say the least, i'm back in boston after spending thanksgiving at home with my family and with some old friends. since i got back i did research for my sociology paper which i had to turn in earlier today and i had put off doing for a couple of weeks, i wrote about reproductive rights in chile and peru. the more i researched, the more i want to get involved and learn about working in centers for reproductive rights.  the more i read, the more i got angry about the situations which women are placed in, in both countries... it really upsets me to see how backwards these 2 nations think. having been born in peru, i didn't really know much about the reproductive rights of women there, since it never truly occured to me how badly they had it, then again here in the states its not that great.
the constant scrutiny over reproductive rights infuriates me.
it truly does.
a woman should always have the right to chose what she wants to do with herself and her body.
a woman should take responsibility over her actions and the consequences those bring.
a woman is a woman after all.
after i finished reading my paper, i felt empowered and it made me think about my future. i know that i want to go to law school and study international or human rights law, and that i really want to work for a NGO. i want to work towards improving the situation of women, especially those in latin america, where they are extremely marginalized.
everyday, now more than ever i'm thinking about my future, yes i know that i'm only a sophomore, but let me tell you, 2 more years and undergrad is over.
i will be faced with decisions that will impact the rest of my life, a reassuring thought in the back of my mind is the fact that my parents support my decisions a 100%, i know that they might not always agree with me, but they know that i do what i can to make to improve myself, academically and economically.
over break, i talked to both them about politics, the world economy and my own personal state of mind.
i think that now more than ever they've realized that their only daughter has a good head on her shoulders, that although she might be a dreamer, she knows what to do and when to get things done.
i think that my parents have also realized that miami isn't the best place for me, sure its nice to come back and visit, but i simply don;t belong there anymore.
i love visiting and hanging out in my house, even hanging out with those old high school friends that i barely talk to now. i miss the old times, but those are never going to return. they are part of my past, a past filled with great and wonderful memories of more innocent times.
i have a couple of weeks left of school here in boston before i embark on my international academic adventure... and i couldn;t be more nervous and excited.
i still have so much left to do.
and i still need to turn in papers
and study for finals and finally head back to my parents' home... which is my home, and i can't wait.
i havent' found my comfort spot in this cold and old dorm room, its sad, but i just haven't, then again i'm barely here. i see myself spending endless periods of time at the library, the mcb and of course merce's apartment.
my friends keep telling me that they won't know what to do without me around next semester, though that makes me realize that i have found a great group of friends, it also makes me realize that i won't know what to do without them either.
things are so different from the way they used to be and i'm glad they are.
i'm still learning so many things about myself and about the world and about those that surround me, its incredible to see how people change throughout the course of days, weeks, months etc.
though i've lost people in the way, everything happens for a reason.
though i've lost love in the way, i know that it will eventually come back to me.
to love and be loved.
for now i have to worry about three papers that are due next week, about wondering how the hell i'm going to pass international trade and about how am i going to pack everything in a two weeks.

i guess i have some time to find out
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