Security FAIL, part #5923451

Jul 14, 2009 10:55

So, I"m changing passwords at bill sites so tht I can share them with the roommates. I get around to the incredibly crappy site of the water/sewer company for the apartment complex. I use my password manager program to generate a random 15-character password, not really expecting it'll accept anything that long, but, y'know, worth a try. I might as well share the actual password it generated, for reasons that will become apparent soon:


It acepted it. I think "Okay, great, but I've seen enough stupidity at this kind of sute that I better double check." So, I go back and log in again. Lo and behold, it fails. So I figure I'll go ahead and reset it and try a shorter one. So I click the 'Lost my password, send me an email' link. And here is the email I get, verbatim:

Your Password is: "AG5RTBPS1Q". Please remember that the password is case sensitive.

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