
Sep 27, 2009 18:52

I was briefly in the room while the show Pawn Stars was on the telly. A man and a woman were trying to pawn a piece of the Berlin Wall. The shop owner told them that similar pieces are going for about $3 and he thought they should pass it on to their kids as a piece of history, something to be remembered.

Apparently people's memories are very short because the "keep out" parallel between the US/Mexico wall and the Berlin Wall rarely gets discussed. A wall is a wall is a wall and whatever you want to call it: a security measure or a border fence, it's still a violation of everything America is supposed to stand for. Guess next they'll be changing the plaque on the Statue of Liberty to make sure every point of entry maintains the same message.

"Give me your [Border Crossing Card/visa-holding] tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched [but financially ok] refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me [unless they don't have their papers then you can take them back],
I lift my lamp beside the golden door [to better see them should they try to sneak past without proper papers]!"

The people who think the fence is a great idea should think about where they'd be right now if the American Indians had gotten the border fence idea first.

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