This may get added to as my elderly memory kicks in (I'm out of the habit of taking a notebook to the pictures). The fact I've been to a Marvel movie not once but twice is a worrying development.
I was right the first time, there really is no payoff to the set-up with Thor's hammer hyper-powering the Iron Man suit. Why bring that up as a thing early on and then not use it?
Bechdel tests are not the only way to judge if a movie is aimed at women.
Hawkeye and Coulson have zero screen time. Absolutely none. Given they're about the second most popular fic paring out there that still comes a bit of a surprise. It does it possibly explains why so much of it is ooc drivel about them kissing then getting married, although if that's what fic writers default to when there's no on screen canon to fall back on, then that's honestly a bit disappointing.
I still feel the urge to yell "Wrong lever!" at a dramtically important moment. I'm fairly sure I'm the only person who'll find this funny.
Hawkeye's unaccountably appealing, given that he does get reduced to having 'sitting up high' as his superpower. He's also, possibly tiny-but-fierce but that may be comparative rather than absolute.
I'm not as against Black Widow as I thought I might be. I'm a bit disappointed she's left with a silly handgun at the end and has to do the one bit of work that doesn't involve being awesome, but I think there's room there for a decent character with a bit of time.
I don't understand Hulk. I mean I do, but how is he uncontrollable and beating the crap out of Black Widow on the carrier then relatively controllable during the massive fight at the end? Is there actual canon involved here or is it just wiggle room as and when the story requires?
SHIELD uniforms involve impractically high wedges for women, yet very practical wind-proof soft-shell fleeces. Lots of soft-shell fleeces, that I'm a bit jealous of. Is it particularly nippy on that helicarrier?
Stark has bloody exceptional cellphone reception given that he's in *outer space*.
Loki does basically yell 'cunt' in the middle of a 12A. The BBFC's defence being that it's only offensive if you're from 1423 is fantastic.
I still can't believe I had to explain to a young person that Pointbreak was a surfer movie. I should probably confess to completely missing the Legolas comment first time around.
As someone who has no particular emotional attachment due to being warned off Special Agent Casper some time ago and respecting
LemonBella's boundaries, narratively it makes no sense for Coulson to be dead. Don't worry. Unless it's overly-telegraphed deliberately and Whedon is just messing with you.
ETA- btw, the fact that the famous post-post credits scene seems to be lifted directly from Graeme's adventures in Birmingham after the Edgbaston test is something I'm not sure I'm mentally equipped to deal with. It's got to just be co-incidence, right..?
ETA2- I should mention that I just had a superb Saturday night with a colleague in the pub, ranking and generally rating each Avenger on physical type and prowess while two well-meaning and apparently innocent young men got progressively more and more appalled at the level of detail involved ("I didn't know women thought stuff like that!"). It was fantastic.