The Twenty-four Tantric Power Places/ Thirthapury

Aug 19, 2013 12:58

Оригинал взят у snatalya в The Twenty-four Tantric Power Places/ Thirthapury
Ещё одно из 24-х мест находится в Тибете, в 70 километрах от Кайлаша. Оно соотносится с Ваджраварахой. Рядом со Ступами расположен горячий источник. Основной Храм в настоящее время перестраивается.

«Tirthapuri (alt; 4330 m) where sacred hot springs and a geyser emerge above the embankment of the Langchen Tsangpo གཙང་པོ་ ( Sutlej River), is one of the traditional pilgrimage sites visited after Mount Kailash. Here the Sutlej flows past grassy paddocks that are ideal for picnics or camping.
The original temple was constructed around the Vajravarahi Cave, where Padmasambhava and his consort Yeshe Tsogyel had meditated during the 8th century, by Gonchen Chonyi Zangpo of Dorje Drak. The temole formerly contained images of Padmasambhava flanked by Amitabha and Shakyamuni. In recent times, however, the buildings have been maintained by monks of the Drukpa Kagyu order - ten of whom are in residence.
The surrounding landscape consists mainly of red and white earth. Around the cave are dozens of unusual rock formations, almost all of which have become imbued with religious significance.
The hot springs at Tirthapuri are clean for bathing and two small public pools with pleasant temperatures have been excavated.»

Статуя Еше Цогьял

Статуя Ваджраварахи

sacred places, buddhism, места

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