Nov 04, 2005 15:39
You know how when you were in middle school you would make fans out of paper fold it all cool and stuff I had to do that today.
My mom made my dogs fat . its like she stuck them in water and they grew the size of the bottle.
The girl who lives with Phill hope has not come home ,.I hope she is ok .
The House rules are to tell Joan when your leaving and when you coming home. Casue She is A mom and She likes to know what you do and how you are in life.
There are A few things going on in my mind that have not been thought of in years .
I had the most Intense dream. OK her is the dream and hear are the things that remind me of it.
Dream .I was At a park.
Real life I was homeless sleeping at a park.
Dream ..the play ground started to get bigger and there was me and a girl. As time went on ,,the thing we were laying in started to get bigger and grew. And as well as more people showing up. We now were in side a small room .and I could see every one with a map and I did not have one .I seen all the cops join around the bottom. I closed my eyes tight .In my mind this was real .I was praying not to ……I had no idea hat I was praying for,… bam ..I had a stung gun to my right ankle .I started to wiper and yell .and scream and I opened my eyes .I was looking at the in side of my blankets.
There was some thing about cigarettes and they .. the girls in the room with me .They were only going to give me small little cigarettes.
It reminded me when I was in jail.
And How cops treat me like shit .
I hate cops with a passion cause they have no reason to hurt me when I do nothing wrong
I know they know it was not right. .but they don’t care.
Letter to some one .
I hope you die. For the way you made me wake up too in the morning .I hope you choke on a chicken bone you fat fuck .I hope you burn In a car wreak. I hope bugs crawl on you face when you sleep and you scream and they jump in your mouth. I hope it rains and your poised and you cant control your arms and you take a gun a shot your fucking face open .
I hope you Cigarette makes you choke and you cant breath and I hear your dead and get 10000 bucks . And I get to spit on your grave .And jump up and down in joy that I get the things I love back .And my life back .
I hope you die for fucking telling me some made up lie .I hope you fucking see visions of what is to really come and that your sooo fucking fake.
I will not get married .I will not have kids .I will not go to war. I will not win .And I hope you lose just the way you made me lose every thing I love.
I hope the dryer explode when you in bed and you cant breath .
There is not fucking remedy.
There is no melody harsh enough and abrasive to make your ears bleed.
They is nothing that can even come close to expressing my hate for some of the people in this world .
started to hate and it feels good to be pissed . It feels fucking great to tell the truth in sided of saying … when someone new asked you. how is your day and you say ok .. and underneath you want some one to pay ..
Don’t get the idea that I’m going to fucking kill some one .Its more of a day dream for some one I know to fucking have the worst shit ever happen to them .
And I sit back and relax this time .
Last time I was in the chair getting Killed and raped and torched cause she wanted to have a good time .And I got to not feel and go numb… and just nothing is breaking the skin any more. .And I’m telling the truth form the bottom of my heart .. If I hear my mother was dead I would laugh and then I was be the most happy person in the world.
On day it will come true.