(no subject)

Feb 12, 2006 01:48

I don't know what's worse; my, as of recent, social anxiety and ineptitude, or opening up to the wrong people. I am at the point where I can count my friends on one hand and still have fingers left over and at the rate I'm going, I won't even have anyone to celebrate my twenty-first birthday with. I've never felt such a hollowness in my character and I don't even know what step I should take to feel better. I make exciting plans for myself with friends, yet when I follow through, I'm always the one that wants to leave first or sit in a chair isolated from everyone else. I've thought about MAOI's as a way to help, but I don't have a history of depression and I sure as hell don't want to feel numb all-together. This is turning into a real struggle.
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