To send or not to send? That is the question!!

Nov 02, 2005 16:30

Eh today was ok I guess. Me and Xani left school early and went to Emily's!! But today I heard something rather disturbing. Mr. Hopewell yet again, is talking crap about my family. He apparently said that we're bad neighbors blah blah blah and that I am on drugs nearly all the time. Wow that's funny. Especially since he doesn't know me nor ever see me.
Then, while I'm sitting here thinking of this I remeber when he was making fun of my brother Matthew. Matthew, bless his heart loved to play basket ball, and Mr. Hopewell said that he sucked and that he hoped Matthew wasn't trying to make a career out of it or sum shit like that. WHAT THE FUCK. Ooo let's make fun of a little kid to make our selves feel big!!

Ne ways, my mom was furious when I told her so she went to talk to him and he fucking made her cry.
Soooo I wrote this. Tell me if you think I should just let this bull shit go, or send it! Ahem.....

Dear, Lindsey

Good job making my mom cry you heartless bastard. I better not EVER again hear you spread one more lie, or one more insult about my "bad" family. If you have a problem with me say it to my face, or you can even call me about it. 524-7511. Otherwise, GROW UP.

Ps. For the record my dad is not selling illegal Government property in his garage, don't think I haven't heard that one!


Oh and one more thing. Calling an 8 year old girl "Bratney" is the most childish and despicable thing imaginable. I was crushed, and I didn't understand why a grown up would refer to me this way. I spent nights crying myself to sleep, hopefully I am not permanently damaged from the cold cruelties of a frozen heart such as yours. But then again, that was along time ago, but I decided why not bring it up? You bring up things long since forgotten all the time. Yea, don't think I can't play that game as well. See the difference is, I am just a naive child, you are supposed to be the adult. So start acting like one.

Yea, that's pretty much what my mom longed to say but, she was too busy choking on tears.
But see, causing tears seems to be a sport for you so by all means... CONGRATULATIONS.

Now that you are finished reading this you can call my parents, who by the way would be very proud of me for standing up to such a monster. OR you can come try to murder me. OR
you can ignore this and continue to act as you do. OR you can actually for once in your life by the grace of God let things go and release me from your seemingly eternal torment.

FYI- This is NOT about being friends with your daughters. This is about you insulting my family and gossiping that I’m some sort of drug addict. This most of all is about the fallen tears of a wonderful mother, who out of the goodness of her heart wanted to settle things civil. If I would have known you were going to rip her to her knees I would have gone over myself, because I am strong willed, I am out spoken, and by God I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU. Not even for a second, because I see you for the scared monstrosity that you are.

So hopefully I have made it clear that I am not going to play this game anymore.
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