The end of summer calls for harvest, as fruit makes up the majority of these icons. I have also reaped a good bounty of awards, having a good run in icontests for the month of August.
001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 015
016 017 018
019 020 021
022 023 024
Icons 005 and 017 tied for
third place in
total_icontest's Challenge 191: Shapes.
Icon 012 earned
Mod's Choice in
food_stillness's Challenge 155: Apples & Oranges.
(no banner yet)
Icon 019 earned
Mod's Choice in
iconstillness's Challenge 340: Morning.
Icon 002 won
third place and Most Creative in
basic_icontest's Challenge 145: Summer.
Icon 021 tied for
second place in
iconstillness's Challenge 341: Fruit.
Icon 022 tied for
first place in
total_icontest's Challenge 193: Windows.
1. Please comment in this entry if taking any icons.
2. Definitely credit
independence_or when using.
3. Enjoy the icons!
The upcoming autumn is my favorite season of the year, so I look forward to the inspiration it brings. Thank you again for visiting