This is a twitter post. Because I don't update otherwise....
- 13:18 : victualed and in teh study center. #
- 14:25 : new favourite site. #
- 14:41 : #ff @jmhunter21 @rstevens @thatkevinsmith @feliciaday @8outof10agree @wired @chrispirillo @jephjaques #
- 14:42 : #ff it's jephjacques. i can't spell for crap. #
- 14:43 : grah. #ff it's @jephjacques. i need to stop now. #
- 16:43 : this weekend is looking to be just lovely. mom's got black eyes and is in a mood and god only knows how dad's job thing is gonna go. oy. #
- 17:26 @ sandeepparikh they're called socks. #
- 18:51 : where the hell did that inch of snow come from?!?! #
- 19:29 : wow. even though it's shatting snow, it's soooooo pretty outside right now. idk how to explain just is. #
- 19:38 : One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child. - Randall Jarrell #
- 22:38 : arg. i am reminded, yet again, how pissy i am that i lost my Kutless jacket. grrrrrrrr. this was years ago and it STILL BUGS ME. #
- 22:43 @ frankbulow yeahno. #
- 22:46 @ GothPanda YES!!! #
- 22:48 @ frankbulow they're out of the one i had. it was this with this on the front. #
- 22:52 @ frankbulow why do you wanna know? :P #
- 22:54 @ frankbulow uh huh. it's a medium. or it was. might need a large now. idk. #
- 22:56 @ frankbulow don't lie. #
- 23:01 @ frankbulow silly creature. whatever for? #
- 23:11 @ frankbulow uh huh. #
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