I like to come up with long lists of Things I Would Do If I Were Rich. (Like almost everyone on this planet save small percentage, I don't fit into that category.) But today's new list item: wouldn't it be great to just indiscriminately and randomly fill people's amazon wish lists? I was doing a search for my niece's amazon wish list, and there are very many people who share her name. Their lists are a wonder. Wouldn't it be delightfully crazy to just have every Jane Doe receive a box full of her wishes because you could afford to just go whimsical like that? Hopefully it wouldn't make people nervous. I know it's small potatoes on the Things People Need dept, it's just expectant wish lists make me a bit sad.
Anyway. Should I come into Money. After buying a second pair of trousers.
Crossposted from my Dreamwidth account:
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