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May 02, 2014 17:42

Mom and Dad Mutant are Fighting*: (SORTA SPOILERS for a wee bit of content, but not much?, for X-Men: Days of Future Past) as a cherik fan I had to really hold it together at work so as not to lose my shit while viewing this clip from the X-Men film coming out later this month. It's as if the screenwriter(s) rolled around the best of tumblr and ao3 before penning this scene which is UNARGUABLY a scene about bitter exes (supplemented with a lovely soupcon of wolverine eyebrow commentary). But: ANGST! MANLY BRUISED FEELINGS! MY STOICISM IS BIGGER THAN YOUR STOICISM (UNTIL YOU MAKE ME YELL AT YOU)! Really... this is all I needed. I mean, I know there's no liplock in store for me. But at least they almost made each other cry. Srsly, if I get hit by a Mack truck before the month is out, I can die happy with this film now.
*(WK non-X-men fans may also enjoy this clip for dudes talking about Special Powers in an angsty context and heapings of homoerotic tension. ♥ )


ahaha. This one's for you, daegaer! Hellcat artist's model boyfriends-- from a paragraph on Leonardo da Vinci: "Other drawings are erotica, including an erect angel (qui) based on his tempestuous boyfriend, a hellcat named Salai, to whom he bequeathed the Mona Lisa." (bandofthebes.typepad.com/bandofthebes/2014/04/born-april-15-leonardo-james-lynes-roos-gadol-whitaker.html -- both links nsfw due to wang) Though unlike da Vinci, Crawford hasn't been arrested twice for sodomy by age 24. ...Not that Schuldig isn't trying?


You know what next Thursday is, don't you? It's the first 58 or 85 day of 2014! (The other being August 5, of course.) That is, a day which is written 5/8/2014 or 8/5/2014. Sooo.... if one were so inclined to post something 85alicious, that might be a timely day to do it? And if one needs a weekend in which to work upon such a thing, this might be the weekend to whip something up? (i.e., imma try to draw some Hakkai/Gojyo goodness this weekend. You?)
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