I am having so much fun sitting here in this empty hotel room with myself and my thoughts! Silly does that sound? There are so many things that feel right, lately. One of which is getting my hormones changed. This puts the Pollyanna back in my outlook almost at once, as in, just a few days. Also, I had some caffeine. But beyond that, what's not to love about in this hot drinks, nothing to clean, a surprise getaway with my spouse, and friends nice enough to watch the kids all this time? I've got my computer, my phone, my journal, my Bible, and a date with a dear friend coming up soon. I feel ridiculously spoiled and can no longer quench my need to make a bulleted list.
Of course, I don't know to do that in livejournal.
Good things:
I've been budgeting and keeping a menu for a month. The minutiae almost kills me But I'm learning just how much we really need/want in order to feed a family of kids going through growth spurts Meat is a little more prevalent, which feels very rich. But I'm also nickel and diming pretty extensively. It all evens out in the end. Or it better. Because I really want our budget to balance out.
Chris is still studying for his engineering test. Only 15 days left.
I've been writing more. It's stressful, anxiety ridden, and difficult. But it also feels good. Kind of like popping a zit. I'm even contemplating a writers group. I haven't pulled the trigger, but at least it's an option on the table now.
Bad things:
Our chickens keep dying, one by one. They came from a chicken farm, already two years old. This may explain their weekend immune system's. But we have 14 baby chicks who will soon need to integrate into the coop. I am worried our elderly biddies will infect them, worried the coop itself has the crud, and uneducated/unmotivated as to what to do about all this. Regardless, we have a larger run to construct very soon. We anticipate a move which hasn't taken place, and our current chicken coop simply will not house 14 chickens without the risk of chicken cannibalism.
A dear friend's son has a mysterious energy wasting condition. It causes him much pain. The rest of us look on in empathy. How I wish I could make it just go away.
Other Things:
We will be traveling for a month in June or July. My cousin move to Spokane, much closer! This makes me very happy. My brother has consented to visit us for a few days coming up soon. And I have a trip planned to visit my mom with just my brother for company. Oh, and I so love my dreads!
That is all.