Aug 26, 2010 00:17
In heaven everything is fine
I miss pools
Other than what I feel that is what I miss
I hope there are pools in heaven
Sit at the bottom and listen to your heart,
Not your feelings but the slowing of the organ.
Once the last bubble escapes your lip it begins the true test of heart
I do not hear the noises of others in the pool it is just me
Focusing on the ever slowing beating then life takes it coarse
Springing from the bottom
Bursting thru the skin
Gasping for breath
And the whole world comes rushing back.
Here there is the ever present hum of generators
That with the faithful gusts of wind I can block out the world
And I can sit in silence
No thoughts trying to cloud my mind
No trying to reason why I am here
Just the lovely silence
And If I touch all my finger tips together I can feel my heart
And I have found peace in a war.