day nineteen/twenty: pairing you rooted for since the beginning/can't stand the ust

Oct 11, 2010 03:18

Day 19 - A pairing you've rooted for since the beginning
You know, this is a hard question to answer because I tend to SAFT - Ship At First Sight. I normally establish a ship as soon as I see what I like and latch on fast, and it is usually, if not always, at the very beginning of a show. The only exception I can think of so far to this is Sheldon/Penny. Sometimes, I even ship the pairing before watching the show! I'll see a picture that somebody posted, a fanvid just because I'm curious, a picspam because it looked pretty, a fanmix, promotional stills, etc. and think, "Wow, they look cute together," and then I watch the show and find out that they're not together, but I CAN'T HELP BUT SHIP THEM ANYWAY because I shipped them before I could even know anything about them.

But a ship I rooted for since the beginning that burned me was definitely Chloe/Clark. ): Good things did not happen for me with that ship. Chuck/Sarah, on the other hand, was fabulous and worked out just the way I had hoped. ♥♥

Day 20 - The "can't stand the sexual tension anymore" pairing?
Right now, I would say Damon/Elena. I think Damon and Elena have more chemistry together than Stefan and Elena, but I think that's just because Damon is such an ass, so it makes for better TV. :P

And... Also (lol don't laugh at me):

They had such great chemistry, okay? They are def. my favorite version of Peter and Wendy. Also, Rachel Hurd Wood is the most beautiful girl ever. I totally have her in mind for an older version of Peter Pan that I want to write.

30 day ship meme, !public, ships, peter pan

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