In an entry that
zojirushi posted about camera swapping and how it would affect the image, I started to think about the difference between a film shooter and a digital shooter. I've gone all digital for economic reasons initially and I know I shoot more exposures than I would if I were shooting film. This question has arisen in various forms over the last few years, debates, discussions... I've always gotten the sense that photographers with a film background are more inclined to think about what they are shooting than those that have started out in photography digitally. I wrote an essay about Chance and Intent, after reading a thread about this very issue. I think for the most part, if you shoot enough exposures, you'll eventually get something good. I've been shooting more wedding recently and am a part of a few wedding photography forums. I'm always amazed to here some "photographers" are shooting over 2000 exposures to cover an event. That just blows me away. I'm not thinking about whether one is better than the other, but it always has me thinking. I've come from a film background and am deeply embedded from it.