(no subject)

Oct 23, 2019 08:58

My goodness, look at what we have here...more fills!  These are from give_satisfaction, the Wodehouse kink community over on Dreamwidth. There are no literally dozens of prompts and fills with every kink you can imagine!  Also fluff, crack, and hurt/comfort. You name it, we got it!

If you would like to participate, we are 100% anonymous! Comments are unmoderated, IP addresses are not logged, the subscribers list is hidden! You don't even have to be a member to post! Come over and browse. There are completed fills posts like this one to make it easier!

Prompt: Jeeves/Bertie: Jeeves laughing about something and he's totally embarrassed about it because Bertie witnesses it but Bertie is just so much in love.
Fill: Laughter In The Kitchen

Prompt: Jeeves/Bertie, glory hole. With each other and optional other anonymous men. Bonus for one/both of them realising somehow and wondering how to confront the other.
Fill #2: Glory Hole
Fill #1 (previously posted): What Would You Do?

Prompt: non-sexual pet play
Fill: Who's A Good Boy Then, Jeeves? Part Two
Part One

communities, rating: nc-17, rating: g, fic: short, rating: pg-13, rating: pg

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