
Jan 08, 2005 16:55

I hear six apart bought livejournal. Let's hope it's a good deal, eh?

Anyways, I haven't updated in a while, so I better start now. I've been going through a couple phases, and i guess i've changed. Probably for the worse. =/ I'll get my life back kiddies, don't you worry.

After logging some hours watching the screensavers, i started to become a somewhat regular to kevinrose.com and danhuard.com. I'm starting to watch the broken more often (thebroken.org), and I'm learning more about nothing. Hooray!

I recieved a juicy new computer, with which a whopping nVidia GeForce 6800gt 256mb card is in. 'Doze xp sp2, though. p4 3.0ghz, which perhaps i will overclock (when and if i learn how), and the 'ole gig of ram. kickass.

with this new computer, I accomplished half life 2, am getting through farcry, and have downloaded x-plane. wonderful download, get it at gamerevolution.com

And guuues what. I'm starting a halflife2 mod. No, i'm serious. it's working on becoming a single player mod, and will hopefully be the first product of gison. never heard of it? then go and look at it's promo at http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v150/iuyasha/gisonlogov.jpg

If that doesn't work, maybe this will.

it's my wonderful made up company. However, I will need some help. Anyone who reads this hunk of junk, tell a friend who'd be interested, I really would love the effort. Phanks.

Later all.
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