okay, so i've decided to do my year in review a tad early . . . normally i wait until like, the 29th or 30th, but i've been thinking about it, so i thought i'd do it now. bear with me as i have to consult my hard bound journal for some of this . . .
January The beginning of the year saw it's share of ups and downs . . . began with me on the tenth going to the gyno about my periods, or lack there of, and they found cysts. a 2 inch cyst on my right ovary, and polyfibroid cysts on my left. these were (and still are) the cause of the hellatious cramps i had been having as well. I started dating Rachel then, after Crissy and I decided that we made better friends (however i haven't seen or heard from her since breaking up with Rachel). Rachel and I had a good but short relationship, and I realize that I've learned a lot about women because of her. I also think that this month was when I met Heather, one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world! I can't exactly remember the date when I met her, but I know I was dating Rachel at the time . . .
February One of the bigest snowstorms hit central Ohio at the beginning of this month, and shortly after the roads were clear, it saw the end of Rachel and Erin. Had a one night stand with this girl named Jen (different jen than i'm friends with now) and just played in the snow a lot in Feburary.
March March saw several new changes in my life. A new addition to my family; Bella, a three year old grey five pound Persian, who's original name was Ike, but I thought, "that's no name for a pretty little girly kittie." So I spent two hours online looking for a two-sylable B starting female name. Ya know, cause it just HAD to match Buddy :^) I also met Hanna
poe22 who is by far, one of the best loves of my life. Yap, even though we fight more than most, we always end up back friendly. She even unpacked my crap and arranged my stuff around for me at the new appartment, which I moved into at the end of the month. Hanna is the second of my "aries loves." I don't know why I'm attracted to them, but I am, even though the signs so don't go well together . . .
April Not much happened in April. Sort of dated Hanna on and off and at the end of the month, helped her move to Columbus to live with Erin and Wookie. More stuff with doctors, ultra-sounds and what not, telling me stuff I already knew. I did date someone new though . . . Bobbie. She was a heart transplant survivor, awesome awesome girl. That was in my afraid to commit stage, cause I think I ended breaking things off with her . . .
May New friends are always a plus, met Miranda this month. Another Aries, fun to be with, but might have been a tad young for me to do anything serious with. That's okay though, we still chat from time to time . . . Also saw Byrider sending me to training classes in Indy, with several of my co-workers. About this time, I started seeing Brandye. Well, seeing might be a bit of an understatement . . . more like booty call was more like it, but that's okay cause we had tons of fun while it lasted. Also, got my third tattoo after I finally got my tax refund check. It's this black triangle, with a white double edge sword and rainbow tribal around it. If you haven't seen it, I recomend you get to my website, and see the pic's of it:^)
June The beginning of June saw me going up to Sandusky to celebrate my brothers 30th birthday party. Mom decided to throw him a surprise party so he was really surprised when he saw us all at the Cedar Point camp ground, cause his birthday was back in April. I ended up getting mild sun poisening and kinda slept through the whole party. Started dating a girl named Carissa, but she got annoying really quick and then the dating stopped, but that's okay. Met a new friend, Brandie mid month, who, surprise surprise, dated Stephanie before I did. 6 degrees of Columbus Lesbian seperation strike again! Also met K
thirteenbettys in June, who's turned out to be one of my bestest friends ever! The end of June saw the Pride festival, which was fun, got more sunburnt, but that's okay.
July Mid July saw the end of several friendships, between Brandie and I and Rachel and I . . . that in itself is one damn drama, I'll save it for another time. Also in mid July, I asked Laura to move in with me. She was a friend (or so i thought) and she needed some help with a place to stay while she found a decent job in Columbus. Little would I know that she would stab me in the back in a way no one else ever had before . . .
August One of the hottest months of the year in Columbus and I think the only thing that really happened, was that I found the joys of smokin and I went swimming and I saw Joan Jett with Heather . . . Really, not much happened.
September Ahhhh, my birth month . . . yeah, get ready for a long month. At the beginning of the month, after over a year of putting up with a lot of shyt, I decided to quit Byrider. I had saved a lot of money. slightly over $1200 to be exact. So I packed up my desk one night, left a note saying that I was not happy with things and that I wouldn't be back. A few days later, I took half the money, got some money orders for bills and went shopping with Heather with the rest of it. Came home, and Laura was gone. Her stuff was gone, her cat, her car, but also the rest of my money. $600 in cash and quarters, the box my cigs were in (but not the cigs), my laundry basket, my kittie box liners, some boca burgers, and my favourite polo shirt. Gone. I called the police, made a report. I called Heather, got her voice mail. Called Kim, left her a message. Finally got my friend Robin on the phone, and she came and kept me company that night. The police never really did do anything about it . . . Shortly after that, the day after my birthday, got a job working at The Vine, bar backing. Was hard work, but I liked it. Met some great people there. The end of the month was Pride Night, at Kings Island. Heather and I went, had a good time. Went to this cool bar afterwards, with an interesting bra collection:^) Drove way too long to get back to the hotel, but it was worth it!
October The beginning of October saw the end of me working at The Vine, and me being temporarily unemployed. So what did I do? Drove to Cleveland with K to see his girlfriend Jill
novaskies, and ended up meeting Jo (or Jordan, or Jo Jo the wonder pup . . .) Had a good couple weeks with her before deciding that we didn't want the same things, and that it was best if we split up. Ran into Laura, which was an interesting day (ha ha, her crutches are in the pond) and got a job as a security officer. Oh and also mid month, before getting the security job, I decided to cut all my hair off and peirce my tounge. Yeah, I wanted to be so much like K . . . Halloween was a blast. I decided to go in drag, with the binding and facial hair, in my Security Uniform. Yeah, that was a fun time!
November The fall to me is always the prettiest time of year. Met Jen right at the beginning of the month, and she's been one of the best friends a girl could have. In my hard bound journal I wrote, "It's nice to be making new friends. I could see Jen and I hanging out more, hopefully." And yeah, it's been nothing but smooth sailin with her:^) Met Miriam, she was cool, but I ended up offending her, so we don't talk now. But also with so much fun stuff, comes some hard times too. Right before Thanksgiving, I talked with my family, and came to the decision that it was best for me to move back home. I think a lot of people were stunned by this, many didn't want me to go
December And now this month, which isn't completely over, but it might as well be. The first Friday for this month was by far the best ever. Started out with Dinner, drinking and smokin with Jen and her gf Hannah. Then to Wall St, my beloved most favourite bar ever. We danced and dance, drank and drank more. The second most memorable bar experience happened the Thursday after. Started out with Heather and Jen taking me to R&B night. And well, I can't tell you how it ended, but just that it was a great night. K and I straped a couch to her clown car, and then was the big move. I cried. And am still crying over it . . .
The holidays have proven to be uneventfull, although I'm planning on having a kick ass time with Jen on New Years Eve.
So thats my year. If you're reading this and you think I left something important out, let me know!