Jun 20, 2006 01:01
today at work i saw a rat tail. all this time i've been fearing the mullet, but what i SHOULD have been worrying about is the rat tail. the long, skinny, braided rat tail. on some kid who doesn't deserve it.
the only good thing about my job is people watching. but this is also a bad thing...because tonight, i'm sure i will have nightmares about said unfortunate hairstyle.
in other news, my computer now officially hates my ipod. so not only does the bitch decide to not play songs for more than 15 seconds...now i can't even update it with false hope. after this happened, i sighed and accepted that it has some sort of terminal illness and i might as well just let it go. and THEN i got my credit card bill, and realized that i won't be getting a new one anytime soon.
also: i don't know how i'm going to make it this weekend. i'm not going to tampa. this is the first time all summer that i have not gone to tampa for the weekend. this is sad times, indeed.