I think I need to sit down for a second.

May 07, 2007 10:51

Hey y'all!

So, last Friday morning, I had a playdate set up with another one of ex-husband's sisters.  She has a little girl who is 3 months older than Braeden.  We were all set to go & I put the baby gate down that blocks off foyer which leads to the stairs that go to the second level.   At the bottom of the steps, right by the front door, is a little shelf with which we stack our shoes, so they don't just lay by the door in a huge, stinky pile.  As soon as you take the baby gate down, Braeden thinks he immediately has to be wherever he's been closed off from, so he goes straight to the steps & plopped himself on the bottom step.  No big, he was just sitting there, so I thought 'meh, he'll be fine there for 10 FREAKIN SECONDS'....so I turned around to grab the diaper bag & as soon as I turned back around, he had kinda flung himself off the step & caught the corner of that little shoe shelf with the his cheekbone.  Well, it was juuust hard enough to lay his cheek open & he was bleeding like crazy.  I snatched him up & ran to the kitchen, grabbed a towel & put pressure on it for a few minutes, then took a look at the damage.  It was wide open.  There was a flap.  He'd DEFINITELY need stitches.  I called Brian to come home as quickly as possible (he works like, 5 minutes away) & he did, & we took him to the pediatrician's office.  They cleaned it up really well & determined he would indeed need stitches.  4 of them, in fact.  He really did great considering, though the whole getting held down by 3 people & being sewed up pissed him off muchly.  Go figure.  Here's my baby's sweet boo-boo face:

As you can see, he is partaking in some extreme cuppycake deliciousness.  Please notice that the bandages used to protect it for the first 24 hours or so seemed to do just as much damage as the cut itself.  Poor guy! Needless to say, we did not make our playdate!

We're moving.  I mean, packing up all our shit & moving away to Lexington, KY.  It all came about SO suddenly & I won't go into details on why the whirlwind decision, but it's definitely happening & quite frankly I'm freaking the hell out a little.  Nashville has been my home for 20 years & I am emotionally attatched.  I can't really say ALL my friends are here, because they really aren't, but I will miss the ones that are here like crazy & I will miss  just being here.  On the other hand, as much as I will miss everything, I am SOOOOO excited about the thought of living in an actual house near famliy.  The place we're in now is a townhome & we have no family around us anywhere (well, my sis-in-law & brother-in-law are about an hour or so away, but we see them very rarely.)  We have no yard to speak of  & I could throw a rock at Old Hickory Blvd. which is crazy busy & hella scary.  I simply cannot wait to have a yard for my kids to play in & a nice, safe neighborhood with lots of kids to play with & sidewalks to skate & ride their bikes on.  But the thought of packing all this CRAP just makes me physically ill.  Oooh & let's not forget my mother....she's none too thrilled lemme tell ya.  But of course not in an outright pissed-off way.  She's playing the passive aggressiveness card on me complete with the supershort answers to everything I ask & 'it doesn't really matter what I think', now does it?'   Wheeee.  Thing is,  I don't think she's actually mad at me, she just thinks we should be moving down to Orlando, which is never going to happen, she's disappointed & this is the only way she knows to react.  I love my mommy & I hope she quits pouting & realizes that we have to live OUR lives & do what we need to do for US...but I hope she does it soon, because it's sort of killing my buzz.

Alright, I have to start packing some shit away!  YAAAAAAAY!  Peace!
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