3+ Months of Wellington-Style Status Updates

Dec 25, 2010 23:18

It's been over three months since I first arrived in Wellington, New Zealand. A lot has happened and I haven't been particularly good at keeping my livejournal updated. I, however, do post on facebook quite a bit. I thought it might be fun to look at my facebook updates starting from my departure from the U.S.

(Note: I never updated my facebook to NZ time, so I always post on U.S. dates and times. So while my facebook says that I arrived in NZ on September 17th, it was actually the 18th in NZ since there is a 21 hour time difference...or something like that.)

The story so far...

Sept 16:
It's like my laptop case so cleverly says: "Pack lite, live long, and travel far." I'm departing this evening on a one-way ticket to the land under the land down under (as Bethany Mathews and Anthony Bourdain say). May a job and home there greet me sooner rather than later. Cheers!

Sept 17:
I arrived in Wellington, NZ after flights from San Francisco to Los Angeles, Los Angeles to Auckland, and Auckland to Wellington. It's a beautiful SATURDAY (that's right, I live in the future now) afternoon and the streets are very alive with activity.

Sept 17:
The only verbal question immigration asked me this morning when I arrived in Auckland was, "Have you ever been to New Zealand before?" My response of "Yes" must have eased any fears the NZ government had about me, because I don't have a return ticket, a job, or much else. Hey Carmen Echeverria , remember that time they... had every question in the book for you???

Sept 18:
This afternoon I saw a small group of people dressed as pirates walking down the street in Wellington. They were yelling, "0-0-1-0-1-0-0!" Then one of them yelled out, "What are we now, bianary pirates?!" It was sort of amazing.

Sept 20:
I forgot that applying for jobs makes the head want to explode.

Sept 21:
Yesterday, after a long morning of job searching, my brain was ready to explode so I took a long walk through the Wellington botanical gardens (so amazing), met a friend for coffee (and 3 hours of conservation which included meeting an old Kiwi man who told me all about the dog club he runs for Corgis), and then it was... time for homemade curry and The Bourne Idenity with the always fun Liz Murray .

Sept 21:
I don't know if you've ever had to re-learn the English language before (in my case, to get a job), but it has it's pain-in-the-arse moments. I don't think "programme" will ever look correct to me. Colour, theatre, centre and the such, I can do. But programme just don't look right.

Sept 22:
I saw my first Kiwi improv comedy show last night at this place called Fringe Bar. They did an improvised American-style western (complete with ridiculously bad fake American accents) and an improvised musical, (impressive). Good times were had. I get to go to my first improv "class" here next Tuesday night.

Sept 23:
It just now occured to me that I don't have "Fall-like" things to look forward to over the next month, (like corn mazes, pumpkins, apple hill). It's Spring. I know I've only been on the other side of the world for less than a week and it's supposed to take time to get used to things, but this feels very freaky Friday-ish to me.

Sept 24:
They don't Yelp here in NZ. I feel like this might crush the dreams I have of following in the footsteps of my Yelping hero Sally Ma .

Sept 25:
The following is an interaction that took place last night with the doorman at a bar in Wellington. Doorman: (checks the IDs of the 3 people in my group in front of me, checking them with much seriousness) Doorman to me: "Your ID please?" Me: "I don't have one on me." Doorman: "Ok, no worries, just go ahead inside." Um...m... good to know my ID is now optional.

Sept 25:
I spent a lot of time today at the NZ Italian Festival sitting around discussing American celebrities who have become complete disasters. Good use of our time - Liz Murray and Debbie Watson . Cheers!

Sept 26:
I kid you not, there is a "Preliminary hobbit casting call" advertisment sitting in front of me right now. I've taken a photo. No, I can't do it. I'm too tall.

Sept 27:
I'm starting a temporary job assignment today (possibly just for a few days though), with the reason for the assignment being "help needed due to overload from the earthquake". That's what I get for moving to a country that sits on the edges of two tectonic plates.

Sept 30:
Yesterday at work, a Kiwi woman on the phone told me that I had a lovely accent and asked where I was from. She then proceeded to tell me that the last time she was in San Francisco, she was slapped by a prostitute while riding a cable car. I apoligized for the City, but also told her that her story didn't surprise me.

Oct 1:
I had my first Chihuahua sighting since arriving in New Zealand today. A longhaired Chi named Honey. I asked if it was a Chi just to make sure that I wasn't imagining what I was seeing.

Oct 4:
Me: So, what do you do on Boxing Day?
Co-worker: Eat and watch the game.
Me: So, it's like American Thanksgiving?
Co-worker: Well... Yes, but with more cricket.

Oct 7:
Tonight I am temporarily moving into a cottage in Mount Victoria with a older lady and her Border Collie, Billie. The whole thing is very New Zealand.

Oct 8:
Last night I came to the realization that I am terrible at both pool and darts. Have I no useful bar skills?

Oct 10:
Yesterday, on an impromtu road trip out of the city, I saw a sheep for the first time since arriving in this country. I've been in New Zealand 3 weeks. Clearly I'm doing something wrong.

Oct 13:
Dear Wellington: Your public library is sweet as. My friend Liz Murray reports that your hospital ERs aren't half bad either. So far your people have given me free curry and Prosecco (not in the same night). I'm feeling better about all those taxes. -Your friend and one of your many migrant workers, Stacy

Oct 18:
Kiwi friend: Are you familiar with the Commonwealth Games?
Me: No.
Kiwi friend: They are for former British Colonies.
Me: Why isn't the U.S. involved then?
Kiwi friend: Uh, you may recall a little thing called the Revolutionary War.
Me: Talk about holding a grudge.

Oct 20:
I still get excited when callers into my office tell me that I have a lovely accent. I've been waiting a lifetime for people to finally appreciate this Californian Valley-girl sound I picked up while being born and raised.

Oct 22:
Last night, Liz Murray and I sat in Midnight Expresso making a list of important things to do while in Wellington. The highlights of the list included eating hush puppies, watching movies about Banksy, planning Thanksgiving dinner, and buying shoes.

Oct 25:
Last night, Liz Murray and I sat in Midnight Expresso making a list of important things to do while in Wellington. The highlights of the list included eating hush puppies, watching movies about Banksy, planning Thanksgiving dinner, and buying shoes.

Oct 30:
Today at the produce market I got rediculous amounts of asparagus and THE BEST CHURRO I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE. Who would have thought the the best churro I ever had would come from a Chilean vendor in New Zealand? Well, my mind has officially been blown.

Nov 1:
Acording to Lonely Planet , Wellington is the "coolest little capital in the world". They're calling it the 4th best place to visit in the world, (NYC is #1). Woot. Woot.

Nov 2:
To celebrate the SF Giants victory, tonight I am headed to the pub and then a professional soccer match with someone who has never seen a baseball game in his life. As they say, "When in Rome..."

Nov 3:
Goodbye to a man that helped found a fire department, got a bronze star in WWII, was married for almost 64 years, and was well known for his pumpkin growing skills.

Nov 12:
Counting down the hours until Saturday night soccer watching and dance party having. (Totally unrelated activities in two different locations.)

Nov 13:
Cafe-going and Santa Parade watching.

Nov 16:
There's a half-off coupon for sangria from one of my favourite bars in Wellington on the back of my New World grocery store recept. I like the way this company thinks.

Nov 17:
Work conversation...
Client: I've had diarrhea for two months. Ever since my pipes broke.
Me: Well, that seems earthquake related. However, you need to see a doctor.
Client: Why do you guys want me to go see a doctor? I don't want to pay them.
Me: Umm... because I'm pretty sure you have dysentery?

Nov 23:
You know, some of us have to work this Thanksgiving. Like those of us not living in the United States for instance.
(Looking forward to a Saturday evening American-style Thanksgiving celebration with a vegan, a vegetarian, a pescatarian, a raw fooder, my favourite German, and a Portland barista who claims he knows how ...to make cheesecake. Oh yes, we're doing it up in true American fashion!)

Nov 27:
I'm in a museum right now and there are screaming children dressed as faeries running around. No one seems to have noticed but me. I could get used to this place.

Nov 29:
Last night I spent a good deal of the evening sitting in Midnight expresso trying to come up with a good rapper name for a friend. It had to be outer space related. All my ideas were rejected, even though DJ Pluto Ain't a Planet is totally legit, (along with all my other suggestions). I'm so done with trying to be helpful. ;)

Dec 1:
Caller: Are you Canadian?
Me: No, I'm American.
Caller: Well, you sound like a Canadian.
Me: But I'm from California.
Caller: Doesn't matter, you still sound Canadian.
(My friend says that I should have said, "Well, YOU sound like an Australian. There, how do you like it?")

Dec 4:
Such a good Spring weekend in Wellington. Friday night drinks with co-workers at Hotel Bristol, homemade pizza courtesy of Liz (after getting ridiculously lost), dancing to local band Gypsy (think Squirel Nut Zippers) at Southern Cross, Saturday afternoon Op shop ("thrift store") shopping in Newtown, Saturday night din...ner and a movie at home with friends, and today it's Midnight Expresso and then the Thorndon Fair.

Dec 5:
Yesterday I came home to find my flatmate helping host a birthday tea party for a 3 year old at our house. The kids were trying to play hide and go seek with Billie the (girl) Border Collie, but Billie wasn't understanding the rules. When these same little kids get frustrated with Billie, they resort to calling her "Wi...lliam", (what they assume must be her full and formal name). File my life under "hilarious".

Dec 10:
I never thought I'd be able to recommend a Mexican food restaurant in New Zealand. Now I can recommend three places in the Wellington area alone. My life is complete. I can come home now. (No, not really.)

Dec 11:
Random convo last night at San Francisco Bath House (bar in Wellington)...
Random Californian couple: Where do you live?
Me: In Mount Victoria with a woman and her border collie.
Couple: Wait... You live with Tania and Billie!?! You're *that* Stacy!?!

...File this conversation under, "Wellington isn't that big".

Dec 15:
Today's staff Christmas party consists of a bbq and pirate-themed mini-golf. I'd never stopped to consider the risk of pirates in this area of the world until today. Luckily, these are all supposed to be friendly pirates. That, and there are international aid workers in my office, so if things go bad...

Dec 19:
This past Saturday marked 3 months in Wellington for me. Things I miss about being in California: 1) Secret-brand solid deoderant readily available for sale, 2) The whole bar singing along with Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'", 3) Your face. Awww...

Dec 23:
To those of you who got a stupid email from me because my email account was hacked, my appologies. I promise to send you actual real emails from me one day. Well, not all of you. I mean I've had that account since I was like 13, Lord knows who's in my contacts. I didn't even know I had a list of contacts.

Dec 26:
A very different Christmas this year than in years past. Christmas eve was Chinese food and a summer evening walk along the water, (and a forced viewing of some very bad Christmas lights...). Christmas day was a long walk in the bright sun and then an afternoon Christmas gathering of international proportions. Topped o...ff the night with some quality TV watching and lounging around with Rica.

new zealand

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