Whether it's vested interest or not, this is something I'd appreciate everyone taking a minute or two of your time on...call it a Christmas present to me, and countless other people who really can (and do) utilize this organization...
When my Father died, I chose this group as one of the benefactors of money that was coming in, in his name...granted, there are flaws, but they're trying really hard to offer something that not a lot of people really have a handle on. It's 2006, it shouldn't be that taboo, or at least seen as something that doesn't deserve a spotlight and proper funding -- regardless of the pitfalls which may exist, all we need is one less organization trying to fight a good fight.
http://www.save1800suicide.org/ With only a few days left before X-Mas, hours left in Michael Leavitt's term as Secretary of Health & Human Services and minutes left in Eric Broderick’s term as head of SAMHSA -- the Federal Government is working overtime to steal 1-800-SUICIDE instead of simply giving this non-profit the over $300,000 of already appropriated and earmarked funds that are still owed.
or visit:
Here is how you can help!
WRITE to the Feds and Tell Them to Pay the Funds they Promised!
TELL THE FCC TO DENY SAMHSA & HHS ATTEMPT TO PULL 1-800-SUICIDE Please pass this along -- every letter truly counts!
I leave in a few hours for New York -- my plane to New Mexico leaves early, early...I hope everything is on their way safely to whatever you call home for the holidays, and I hope that you all have the most wonderful Christmases (et al) possible. More later...