meanwhile in new york has been
translated into chinese by
amilie86. i will probably never get over thinking this is cool.
jeyhawk is the loveliest of all lovely things, which you probably already know if you've read anything she's written ever, but in case you need more proof:
the giraffe notes. (and even if you don't, go. read this gorgeous thing. just do
Plus, I kind of have loads of love for meanwhile in new york because A) I have loads of love for everything you write, and B) I think I left a completely ridiculous fangirly comment on that fic and also bitched about time zones (uh, yeah, because that was relevant) and then you said we should be friends because I'm Finnish and you're part Finnish, and I kind of freaked out because oh my god, this person wants to add me as friend, what do I dooo. But yes, it was wonderful. I'll just stop rambling now.
Also, Jey's fic. ♥♥♥ I just started reading it and ashhggffdgjkl it's all kinds of lovely.
awww, i have loads of love for you! you just delight me & i'm so glad we got to be friends. that comment totally lit up my life, btw-- i still go back & read it sometimes when i get all, OHMYGOD I CAN'T WRITE ANYTHING LET ME DIE, and it always makes me feel better.
have fun in sweden! i am jealous! ♥ but i'm setting wednesday as my deadline for posting more fic in honor of your return!
Thanks! Sweden is awesome :) Oh god... in honor of my return? Why are you so sweet to meee.
Also, yes, JEY'S FIC. I read it and I'm going to leave a fucking massive comment on it because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with all its fuzzy and warm perfection. ♥
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