♚ four | text.

Feb 16, 2011 15:58

[Ciel is sitting at his desk with his head in his hands, looking extremely sulky - but also a fair bit paler than usual, almost sickly. Every now and then, he shivers, despite that he's already wearing a number of layers of clothing. He tugs the book closer while he rubs at his temple and groans.]

I'd assumed it would go away by yesterday, but my ( Read more... )

ic ♚ video

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ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 06:26:49 UTC
... This is going to sound like a curious question, Earl Phantomhive, but what is the weather like currently for you?


indebts February 17 2011, 07:25:43 UTC
Cold, [he snaps, but then has the manners and decency to answer properly.] It's rather foggy outside, I suppose, but it did rain recently and fog is a common sight around here.


ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 07:31:20 UTC
Foggy. I was afraid of that.

Is it by any chance an odd colour? Yellow, perhaps?


indebts February 17 2011, 07:35:38 UTC
[He groans and gives England a scathing glare for making him stand up, but he does reluctantly pull himself out of his chair and drag his feet over to the window to peer through the curtains. After a moment, he returns and slumps back into his seat.]

Yes, yes - only slightly, though. I'm sure it's just the pollution. What exactly is your point, England?


ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 07:40:46 UTC
My point is that that isn't natural fog.


indebts February 17 2011, 08:02:25 UTC
... Really, is it common of old men to be so paranoid? There's nothing wrong with the fog. London is a filthy place; there's no more to it than that.


ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 08:20:37 UTC
Really, is it common of young people to be so close-minded? [He says in exactly the same tone before moving on.] Look, I know it sounds paranoid or any other number of things, but I promise you, I've seen this particular brand of fog before and so have a good many others on this community, and there most certainly is more to it than London's cleanliness or lack of it.


indebts February 17 2011, 08:33:37 UTC
[He speaks in a mocking tone of voice, obviously just humouring England,]

And what do you suggest I do about this mysterious, unnatural fog?


ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 08:39:41 UTC
You can't, that's the problem. The best you can do is try not to come into any contact with it if you can help it, although if you've already got the headache even that might not be worth it anymore.


indebts February 17 2011, 08:46:20 UTC
How unfortunate. You know, you're being awfully vague about this. It's hard to take you seriously already, there's no need to make it more difficult for yourself.


ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 08:53:12 UTC
Oh, for Heaven's - you want the truth? Fine, though I can't promise you'll take me any more seriously about it. It's your loss anyway.

The fog is unnatural, and the headaches are just the first symptoms of something more. In a few days, there'll be a Shadow of yourself walking about - a physical embodiment of everything you hate, fear or can't accept about yourself - spilling all of your deepest darkest secrets to the world, and it won't be happy with you.

You don't have to tell me that it sounds absurd, but considering that not even a month ago you were propelled back in time, I should hope you'd be sensible enough to give the possibility at least a passing thought.


indebts February 17 2011, 08:59:15 UTC
[That's all it takes; before England is even finished speaking, Ciel's face has sharpened into something more serious, back straight, eyes narrowed. He speaks calmly but very coldly, beyond serious about this.]

How do I stop it?


ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 09:08:16 UTC
Other than trying to get the goddess who caused the damn stuff to spread to call it off, there's nothing that can be done to prevent it. The only way to get rid of a Shadow after it has appeared is for the person to accept it as a part of his or herself, which... as you can imagine, isn't always exactly the easiest thing in the world.


indebts February 17 2011, 09:12:24 UTC
Fine. I'll get Sebastian.

[... Why he thinks his butler will be able to do anything more than him is a mystery to most people.]


ofhopeandglory February 17 2011, 09:14:26 UTC
[... that momentarily wrong-footed him, because Ciel. What.] You think that will help?


indebts February 17 2011, 09:20:13 UTC
If he was incapable of this much, how could he call himself a Phantomhive butler?


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