(no subject)

Apr 25, 2014 12:39

Bootcamp was good today! It was quieter than normal, about 9 came and it was all women (with a male instructor) It started with a warm-up,  then a circuit. The circuit involved 5 exercises, a weighted med ball, and lots of sprinting. Each exercise involved 3 sets of 10 reps. Then we did some boxing,  and then timed abdominal exercises in pairs. Finally, we did a jerry-can relay race in groups of 3 (which basically involved running with a filled jerry can, and the losing team were punished with an exercise) It was a lot crammed in to an hours session, but it was fun (and hard!)

Caffeine definitely makes a big difference to my performance. Without it, the session nearly kills me and I struggle to maintain 100% effort all the way through. With it, its still very hard, but I am able to keep going at a much higher effort level for the entire hour. I LOVE pro-plus!

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