My thoughts during my month of silence: Part 1
March 24,2006: Day 2
I've already come to noticethe monotonous and annoying roar of those who refuse to see vocal verberations for what they are. My first day into this and I've already already realized alot. Words are the biggest hindrance to communication. When talking, really, the biggest factor in portraying the idea is the body movements that are oriented with the path of the mind which they are expressing. I've also found that when words are removed from the spectrum of communication, vocabulary is no longer a problem and just actionscan show, in the best way possible, the message so all can interpret and understand as fully as those around them. This can cause a group as a whole to greater comprehend the meaning of a thought for when certain words are chosen over other words the meaning of the statement may be lost in the jumbled jargonized speech that all languages contain.
As some of you know, after next monday, i will no longer be enrolled in Allen High School due to complications and my mindset. But come January, for those of you who are graduating early or aleady have graduated and are going to CCCC i will be joining you there so keep an eye out for me.
And to let you all know, thos eof you still at AHS, your not escaping me, i will be back at many random times for Tech work in the Theatre department. :-)
I have recently taken up the sport of Tennis. It's most entertainiing to me of all sports with the exception of Golf and Shooting. Kristy and I play almost weekly now and to say the least, we are both improving drastically each week. If anyone wants to come play with us, please let us know and we'll find a way to incorporate you into this fun filled night. go listen now
To expand a bit on my statement above from my Month of Silence, when i sit back in class i can still realize different things which need expressing. When your a baby either preborn, or postborn, your mothers voice is supposed to be very calming(i wouldn't know seeing as i can't remember that far back). When your a toddler, and your upset about something, nomatter how bad the problem may be, your mother and sometimes father still can use their voice to calm you. When you reach any age that i can think of, it is always relaxing to hear the voice of a loved one. But i got to thinking today, If we love to hear human voice, as well as our own, why is it then that when any given amount of people can be talking in a group that it pains our ears to hear it? i honestly gave myself a few possible answers which also got me thinking about those to. IF its bugging to hear more than one person talk at a time due to stress level or just wanting to concentrate on just that, why is it that we insist on talking over others to get our point across? IF its just the sound of human voices congregating loudly or quitely in an area that preturbs our senses why do insist on putting ourselves inthese situations where we must deal with it?
Thats all for now,
-Mitchell Curd-