Aug 26, 2003 23:38
Lately I've been thinking a lot about creating an ideal home, a perfect house, a place where I can store all the gems of secrets and tales hidden in this girl of a body. Lately beds have been an iconic treasure in my days, where all the ghosts seep out through my pores and weep to the sky, til the sky bleeds red and pours lilac. Lately all the facts of life have been reminding me that things happen for a reason and that reason is completely out of this world and divine.
All afternoon I was in a somber saintly trance. His face is full of desire and this desire is curious and sacred. Nothing is broken. My heart is intact.
I prayed tonight. He rightly segregates my notions of pure and impure.
He is pure and curious. I've seen it all and I tire easily. We affect each other like the moon does the tide and like mars controls the blood boiling in me. My temper has been flared more than usual these days.