As per normal.. Doses of Arashi is never enough..

May 11, 2011 23:02

This was last week's.. It came in late because I was just kinda lazy to update. Hehe. OMG! Loving three doses of Arashi every week. GOSH! Still, it is never enough. Haha! I will never be overdosed. Never, ever! Haha!

Now Ohno.. Are you kinda jealous that Nino is with Aiba, and that you wanna be in the frame too? Jya, go for bangohan with Nino then! Hehe..

From Arashi-chan.. GOSH! How cute is he? KYAA~~ Now now, I really miss VIP Room. Can you please bring back VIP Room, Producer-san?

Haha! So smug when sensei said that he was so good. Haha! Hai hai, sekai champion.. World champion..

Shiyagare! 面白かった!!

That's the omiyage from the aniki. Aniki looks good yo! Hehe. Coz I thought that he looks kinda old in dramas. Hehe..

Watching this Shiyagare makes me wanna go to Kyoto too if I ever reach Japan. Too kirei already.. Plus Maiko-san is soo interesting..

Arashi aside, I have already ended my school life. Feeling? Hmm.. Mixed. Haha! I think because I have not gotten a job, I am feeling a bit uneasy, even though I have already ended my exams. Oh man. For now, I shall concentrate on my grad trip to Taiwan, and hopefully to Japan. Hehe. I shall take one step at a time. Nowadays, I am just relaxing. I am really still very tired..

Also, Singapore's General Election was over, after a big manifesto, hoo-haa, and whatnots. All I can say is, to each his own. For me, there's more than meets the eyes. Hence, the kinda vote casted. No regrets or whatsoever. We know better more than anyone else. *PEACE*

And yes! Ashita! GANTZ! Finally reached SG! Date with Kurono! <3

Taken with the poster weeks ago.. :D

vs arashi, random, hna, shiyagare

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