I'm feeling so crap today
I lost the 2 pounds that I gained yesterday morning thank god! I ate 800 calories and burnt 400 calories at the gym which was pretty good
But I just woke up feeling so shit this morning and I dont know why :/
I had to leave class because I didn't feel myself and I couldn't concentrate
I've only eaten 270 calories today
It's a good thing I didnt take my wallet with me today so basically I've only
Got $3 for a diet coke I can't buy fatty food and I'm just going to have a piece of fruit for dinner and then eat my little dinner which is about 350-400 calories so I'm doing well
I just feel crappy and not myself
And I tried to text my best friend because I need to talk to someone and she didn't even reply.. Yeah awesome
I have an opportunity to fast on Thursday and Friday .. And I just might
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