C H A R A C T E R PROFILE | slightly spoilerish? |

Jul 01, 2007 02:32

NAME: Colonello
WIKI: here
ROOMING: kid doesn't need a room; he can tough it out in the wilderness.
NINJA: koronero via rm. 2209. This journal will be uses for undercover missions & whatever other crazy plan the mun comes up with.

WEAPONS: Anti-tank weaponry. ( AKA a rifle that's taller than him. ) Plus an eagle, which we don't really count as a weapon, but more a means of transportation. There's nothing more hilarious than watching this little dude eagle in with a giant rifle slung over his shoulder. Manly men come in small packages, hey!

RP: Seeing as this guy doesn't appear for more than several chapters, I've decided to add in some extra idiosyncrasies he might have. Keyword: MIGHT. So if you see a slight deviation from the usual KORAAAs, that's just me improvising.

PERSONALITY: Holder of the blue pacifier & one of the Arcobaleno babies; Colonello's tough, gritty & in your face blunt. This baby isn't the type to mince words; he's loud, proud & clear with whatever he has to say. It's one of those things where if you hedge on words in a war, you're only wasting lives. Besides that, he has a tendency to ignore what people say, start rivalry competitions with Reborn, randomly fall asleep & kick people in the face without any warning.

It's all part of his spartan training regime, really.

Because the military's in his name & guns are part of his game; your typical army brat with attitude. There aren't enough hits in the world to bring this kid down. Hard to believe he was a former member of the COMSUBIN, huh? But it's ingrained in him; the habit of yelling in military time & short, sharp barks of orders. With the usual 'hey' thrown in for good measure. Hey. Hey. Hey. No, really, it's all HEY HEY KORA KORA HEYYYYYY.

I totally forgot what I was saying. It's 3:04 AM, gimme a break. UH. Besides that, not much is really known about Colonello. Oh! He also runs the training ground behind Mafia Land. MERCILESS TUTOR? YOU BET.


/will finish this later
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