I've seen some of you posting your alternate journal info, but it's very likely I've missed someone. In the interest of having it all in one place, have a poll.
I'm at both GJ and IJ under incunabulist, and I'm now on JF under albionic.
Poll I'm pretty much undecided, myself. I probably will keep my lj, especially as it doesn't look like the albion_* people are going, but I'm not going renew my paid account when it runs out in September.
I'm helping with beta-testing for Scribblit right now, and I'll probably keep active on there even if HP fandom goes somewhere else, because the other testers are all awesome people. A tentative list of features just came out on
fandom_flies and it sounds great too. I've got no problem with putting my eggs in multiple baskets. I think I'd go a little crazy if I had 6 different flists to check, though, so I'm hoping whatever exodus will keep to one or two sites.
Not xposting this, obvs.