
Jul 19, 2007 01:17

Why don't I have a squee-y HP icon? Ah well. Anyway.

Now that the masterlist for reversathon is up, I can finally talk about it!

First things first, I received this piece of amazingness:
Title: And went for a walk in the wide, wide world
Author: Cliodna Cadogan (emiime)
Pairing: Percy/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 9207
Summary: No one ever said it would be easy sharing an office with the Boy Who Lived-or sharing a life with his namesake.
Warnings: None.

I'd love it even if it hadn't been written for me. It's sweet without being fluff, and does the damned greatest job of portraying that ornery sort of reticence I love about Percy, with Harry chipping away at it in the way that's made me love this pairing. Oh, and makes me laugh myself silly. The whole thing makes me inordinately happy, and it's just the sort of thing in mind when I made my request.

Second things second, I'm quite floored at the response to my own entry. I mean, I was pretty proud of it, since I've never in my life finished something that long, but holy crap, the reviews I got made me make squeakynoises and get kinda teary, and people actually recced it. And most importantly, odogoddess seems to have liked it too! So, um, it's apparently pretty good. *sheepish grin*
See linkage for warnings and whatnot.

Title: Lowcountry
Author: Peony Hellebore (meeeee!)
Recipient: Terrence Tripplehorn (odogoddess)
Pairing: Harry/Hermione, Harry/Severus/Hermione
Words: ~36,000
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "Believe me, he's better off missing with Potter and Granger." Famous last words?
And oh yeah, betaed by the awesome ships_harry and oddnari! ♥♥♥

Frighteningly enough, there's going to be more of it. I've got 2 more arcs already plotted out. Though I don't know when I'll get them written what with DH coming out in 2 days. (ZOMG 2 DAYS!!) I mean, not that I ever expect them to canonically fall into bed together (or for that matter run off to America), but I've got stuff plotted out that goes past the end of DH, plus there's some theorizing that goes on between the characters that'll probably turn out to be wrong, because I am pants at theories. I'll just have to see how it goes. Nothing wrong with a little AU in any case.
But the craziest part is that people seem to want more of it, which actually might make it take longer... performance anxiety or something? I actually started on it a couple of days ago. I got as far as a gratuitous sex scene, and then it descended into really boring... I don't know, they were eating toast or something. (?!)

ANYway. This has become stupid-long, and I still need to finish responding to comments and stuff. I shall post recs tomorrow for more of my reversathon favourites, because I apparently totally suck at staying off lj. It's been okay so far, though. *crosses fingers*

reversathon, hp/ss/hg, lowcountry, fic, recs

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