Ways that this might already be a good day

Oct 18, 2007 09:45

I like getting up early these days - more sunlight - and I am so happy I did not sleep in today! This also sets me up for a lovely nap in the afternoon, should I be called upon this evening to attend a concert.

I love that I remembered I like tea. I really like the idea of waking up and having that hot beverage - and in Rome I drank latte macchiatos every morning - but I don't love coffee and it made me nauseaous as I drank more and more of it every morning. So now I drink tea, and I love it! It makes me feel very grown up - probably something to do with being able to handle boiling water. I also love that I am not totally into tea kettles and blends and all of th accoutrements - I just like my tea in my MIND THE GAP mugs.

Bart's going to finally do the dishes today - which is a win/win for both of us. I get a clean kitchen and he gets a blowjob.

Now, I am HUGELY anti-this. I am not one who withholds or doles out sex like it's gold stars in school. I either feel like having sex or I don't, and I act accordingly. I just really, really hate doing the dishes, and he really, really likes my blow jobs.

While I still wish it was beach weather, this was a long summer. I have recently become reacquainted with my winter clothes, and I realize I like them better than my summer clothes. I have lots of comfy black sweaters and layering things that make me feel winsome and divine.

I bought a schoolyear diary thing in Rome at the supermarket, and it's so lame, and I love love love it. I go back and forth between being all hi-tech Innernets-using lady, and buying schoolyear diaries in supermarkets and writing obsessive to do lists. One day I'll come up with some sort of happy medium between these two things. Hopefully it will not be another Palm Pilot.

I was going to keep writing this, but getting up this early has made me remember that the sun hits our balcony at this hour - so I"m off to get some Vitamin D with my tea!

OH, except - I am totally going to get this kick-ass Elance job with a NY ad agency. I can't wait to start making those bucks!! It's a limited time thing, so I don't mind the possibility of needing to be online during certain hours again and available - but I'm pretty confident that they'll just let me work in peace.
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