Top five guilty pleasures:
1. State Fair food - anything fried, battered, fried again, topped w/ cheese, then fried once more for good measure.
2. Cable TV - or probably any TV really. We don't have cable, nor good reception here, but anytime I'm around one, I'm transfixed. It's kinda sad...
Gawker. I don't even know what they're talking about half the time - a little too New York-centric- and folks at work have given me shit about reading it when I give them hell for reading The Weekly World Star Examiner whatever, but it's cleverly written, and the home to
Blue States Lose.
4. "Rock Your Body" by Justin Timberlake - I really shouldn't like this song, but it's so insanely catchy and full of old-school Michael Jackson-esque funk that it just gets stuck in my head.
5. Family Circus
Okay, just kidding...
5. Reading the Sunday New York Times Magazine before I read the front section - I do eventually get to Section A, and sometimes even deny myself the glossy goodness until I've read some actual news, but sometimes I just can't resist. Anyway, it's not like it's the USA Weekend.