Sep 23, 2003 15:45
hmm...cranky, bitchy, frustrated, annoyed.. WEIOFJEWAIOFJEWAIOGHAIOHBIOHVREUIAHGEDAIOFHEIOAFJEWAOJFAWJF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! feel free to use any one of these to explain my mood right now... omg i could hurt a lot of people right now... aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *breaks down* *cries* .....
so i've been studying 2 days straight for my marketing test today and it went all right, not bad, but not as well as i was hoping for... so if i dont make an A on that, someones seriously getting hurt and sure as hell aint me... *grumble* and then javier didnt study much and wanted to copy off of me, so i just said sure cause i knew there would be A and B versions and didnt feel like saying "uh... i studied, you didnt, you're problem.. not mine", but then somehow the ordering got messed up and of course it turns out we both end up with version A.... so the entire time he's like freaking looking over at my paper and this is driving me nuts, but we're wayy in the back so the prof can't see us well... but yea, he kept nudging me to circle my answers.... oh for the love of everything... i was holding back so much... im trying to concentrate on the test and here he is driving me up the freaking wall.... so i started putting little dots he couldnt see next to the right answer for myself, then when i got done with the page, i'd go back,circle 'em real quick and flip the page... then at the end i bubbled all my answers.... but omg i wanted to hurt him...
so after that went back to teh apt and the poster sale thingie was going on, so stopped there and spent like $30 on posters... which seems like a bit... but i love spending on money when im happy with what i bought, ya know... but i got an empire records movie poster and then a gandhi one with the eye for an eye quote.. and then a van gogh little print of this one painting that i've always liked... and NO, not starry night... i mean starry night is pretty and all, but so overrated i think...
so got back to the apt and the temperature was like on 55 or something below 60, they dont number after 60, but yea... everytime i get back to teh apt, the ac is on like 55, OMFG!!!!!!! i had a talk with them too... and you peoples know how much i hate doing that kinda stuff, like confronting people... but damn im not paying for that electricity bill when the a.c. is on and no one's inside, it shouldnt be that freaking low (the temp, not bill). aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... so i was just a bitch and turned off teh ac since i was gonna be leaving... arghhhhhhhh
so im starting to head home and remember my dad needed phone cards from the indian store for india... so i call my mom to see how many she wants... and this actually goes into another story... but thats on hold for im turning and i get a glimpse of a red light on my dashboard, but the steering wheel is in the way since im turning, but when i got the steering wheel straight,the light turned off, so i was like wtf?!? cause its one of those lights that tell ya you need to get a service check or your battery or something like that needs to be checked out... so im driving, and of course its tuesday and the indian store is closed, so i turn around to head back towards home and stop by best buy to get the new fuel cd... so im driving down 30 and then the lights show up again, only one of 'em i can't read cause its dim, but the other is my battery light just flashing on me... and i freak out, cause i just got the battery/alternator and all that fixed and now its yelling at me again... and of course my dads outta town (other story..later..) and i call my mom freaking, im scared the cars gonna die on me and im gonna be stuck on the side of the road in the blazing heat... so she's like, well, stop by pep boys or something i guess... she wasnt worried at all... i decide to do that, but its still a ways away so im totaly freaking... i turned off teh radio and my a.c. to make sure i wasnt wasting anymore battery power than i hadda (haha, turned off teh ac like i turned off the one in the apt... it was karma coming back to bite me in the ass i tell ya)... but yea... then i didnt wanna open the windows cause its loud on the highway and i thought itd drag the car which would cause to take longer to get to pep boys... soooooooo basically for the next 10-15 minutes i roasted in the car freaking out it was gonna die and i would be forever stranded... then of course i hit traffic and im terrified if i need to stop and start again from 1st gear teh car just wont start...lucky i dont need to stop that much...take teh quickest exit and need to stop at a freaking again, so i sat there stopped, but kept pressing on the gas to make sure that i'd be able to go when it turned green... but then i thought maybe i'd be wasting the i stopped that.... hmm... can ya tell how much i know about cars?!?
so yea, i get there alive and go talk to the guy, explain to him i was just there a few days ago so he agrees to check it out with no i call my mom at work and brother at home to kill the time... then i wanted to go exploring the antique shop across the parking lot, so i went adn checked with them to see if they needed me for anything... i stood in there for at least 5 minutes without a single word said to me... they were helping 1 lady and the rest of 'em scurried in and out without even saying a word... so finally i just walked out... NOT in a freaking good mood by any means... so talk on the phone more... sit and watch some days of our lives and passions in the waiting room... finally after an hour i go back and ask how much longer and they're like "oh yea, it's done, we meant to tell ya" i was just like WTF!?!?! ohhhh... i was PISSED... then he starts this crap about my plug with the alternator being loose, so it jiggles causing the lights on my dashboard to blink on and off... so im like trying to understand... and then he went to go do something and this other customer walks in and just looks at me like "i am so sick and tired of this" and then we had a little bitchfest until the guy came back... and he said the plug wasnt broken, just loose... so im like, ok, "why didnt ya notice this when i was in saturday?" and he gave me some crappy bs reason... which may very well be true, but i was in a bad mood... though i wasnt being a bitch to them, just showing them my tiredness... so yea, we had a conversation there, basically i gotta buy a $27 plug thingie, but i can wait cause its just loose, not broken, everythings charging, im just gonna get random battery messages, but according to them i should be ok for now... so yea, i just need to call my dad whenever i hear from him... (another story once again)....
but yea, went to circuit city after all that, picked up the fuel cd, wanted to go to best buy, but taht was outta the way after pep boys, so yea..that place is empty, i dont get how they have so many employees... *shrugs* came home and now i gotta go to work in a bit....hmmmm, i think i got all the bitching in except for my (other story) that i keep yapping about... not really a story, just a sucky situation... so yea...
ok, im gonna throw it onto the end here... so earlier this year my dadaji (dad's dad, grandpa) got really sick and my dads brothers called him and my dad was on the place a few hours earlier to india... hmm... can we say deja vu... my uncles called my dad the other day and told him to come cause my dadima (dad's mom, grandma) is sick so he left today totally suddenly and this whole situation sucks... i mean im not close to my grandparents, which comes down with the whole half a world distance issue... which really does suck... but i think sucks even more for my parents... like how much would it suck knowing you're entire family is together cause someone's sick and you're the only one who'se not there, you're halfway around the world and have to depend on a plane schedule to figure out how to get there.. and pay an assload for last minute tickets... but yea, so my dadaji passed earlier this year and it really was sad cause i guess you always feel like ya didnt make enough of an effort to get to know them better the times i was india... cause i'd always wanna hang with my cousins more and stuff... but i dont know... i just hate this situation... its times like these i really do feel bad for my parents, that it hits me how much it must suck for them to be sooo far away from their families... and they're both the only ones outta their families that are away.... argh... i dont know... i seriously dont know....
ok, this entry is done...