So in my unemployed hours now, I have lots of time to waste during the working hours. So last night, my mind was thinking about favourite movies and it led to me thinking about the Clueless franchise and how well I bought into it (books, the movie, the hurricane of fashion inspired by the movie, the music, the tv show)...and lo & behold...there was Clueless, the tv show. And now I remember why it tanked so quickly. Anyway, I told you that story to tell you this story:
While considering whether to sit through an even more ridiculous episode, a tv spot came on featuring two bored teen cashiers discussing whether one girl can go out after work and at the admittance that she could not b/c her parents wanted her home right after...they both used the phrase 'that's so gay'. A woman (who is supposedly famous but I can't place her for the life of me)then proceeds to check out their name tags and apply their names to said 'insulting' phrase. The lesson? How would you like it if someone used you to say something was bad/stupid/dumb?
Come to find out...there's others. All featuring celebrities (Hilary Duff, Wanda Sykes)teaching rude young teens to stop using the phrase 'that's so gay'.
The entire campaign and such found here: Now, aside from whether you find the phrase offensive or not, I think they'll have a hard time getting this phrase "wiped out" or what not. Not just b/c of its immense usage thanks to the internet but b/c their delivery is ridiculous considering the group they're targeting. If anything, I know my first reaction after watching the spot was to roll my eyes and chuckle, "that's so gay". And we all know my maturity level is on par w/ a 14-15 yr old's.
Also, an article I found mentioning this brings up a good point: This would have more impact if it actually addressed other insulting phrases-turned-youth vernacular aka "that's retarded" and the like. Opinions?
In other news: All the X-mas/Pretty girls w/ problems/People falling in love is depressing me. Greatly. Time to turn off the tv.