Oct 13, 2006 23:56
soooooo i've had pretty much all of my midterms that I am going to have, that is to say i had religion and honors, and i will have acting on thursday and music doesn't have one. so im pretty much set. except for the 63% on my honors one-i do NOT i repeat do NOT do physics. thank you very much, and religion, eck, who knows. pooey. college est tres dificile. and im not really even going to a hard one. i was talking to my friend joy a little while ago and was just saying that is it too much for me to be in fucking classes im interested in??? Yah, i know that i have core classes and all that shizz but honestly, physics isnt helping me when im working for some politician or something like that goddamn. its just bothersome and i need to pull my head out of my ass and get an effing 3.0 this semester to keep my scholarship. that is really really sad that im worried about that. is that a C average? because perhaps I was thinking it was a B average and I was worried. oh lord what has become of me. this is retarded.