Four more of the albums

Jan 06, 2009 19:23

Max Tundra- If I would have had any idea how pop oriented this album was i would have never gotten it, sounds like the future of KISS FM.

Air France- Ambient as a genre never dreamed it could become this, if there was a better album in 2008 to go to sleep to or just meditate I have yet to find it. Outside of the standard beats and weird eerie sounds that occur throughout the album the thing that sets this one apart is the background noises. Actual birds chirping, horses neighing, wind blowing. Real real real calming.

The Tallest Man On Earth-Hello 18 year old Bob Dylan reincarnated in 2008. I really enjoyed this one, any fan of Dylan will too.

Beach House-Good but not really my cup of tea. A little too slow and dare I say "girl" oriented for my taste. My sister would love this album, it is the exact kind of indie that she is into.
Lindstrom-Unbelievable. Solid electronic album. When there are only three songs on a album and the first one is 28 minutes long I know I am either in for a terrible half an hour or really really good experience. Two thumbs up.

I still have four more albums to go. I will see how far I get into each of those tonight. But I do believe this will be the only post for today so until next time....

Enjoi Music. It Makes The World A Better Place.

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