Hello! Recently, I've gotten severely addicted to Incubus after listening to Dig, which, a contemporary tells me, is one of the most overlooked songs from this band. I wonder why? Because personally, I loved the lyrics, the voice artist and I loved instrumentals on the first listen.
The second song I heard was Pardon Me, but for some reason or other, Dig appealed more. Don't get me wrong: I liked Pardon Me a lot; I liked the angst oozing out of it, but I liked Dig even more. Something about it just feels unique. When I confided this to a friend, she was, to put it mildly, surprised.
So, due to the conflicting opinions of people I've consulted, I've resorted to this community. I loved Dig and I don't want my experience with this band to be ruined by ~peer pressure~ So, I'm asking for advice. What're your top five Incubus songs and why? For more details, check out this MEME
right here, where I'm holding a discussion on Snow Patrol, Trading Yesterday and Led Zeppelin as well♥.
I'd really appreciate a few recs, because I really want to get to know Incubus and its music better.
Signing off,