Jan 31, 2008 15:33
i am really tired of the masses of people i encounter in day to day business that are so self centred and apathetic about life and what they think others should automatically be doing for them...i sat in a room full of parnets who were about to send their kids to 3+ activity group (like kindy for 3 year olds) and barely anyone wanted to volunteer any of their own time to help out on committees who are set up to ensure the program and the centre runs smoothly i would say there were easily 150 people there and the struggled to find 5 people who would put theirs hands up to help out, yet i bet everyone else will be more than happy to complain if they come accross things they dont like there - i was willing to give 2 hours a month to a committee in order to ensure i would know what was going on with my childrens schooling and to have my chance to vote on allocation of funds, new equipment etc
i also had numerous people say to me i had got suckered in again when i actually dont see it that way at all i figured i was a lucky one to actually be involved in whatever small way in my kids introduction to school. i think it is a shame in this day and age that everyone wants the best and is willing to pay for it so long as they dont have to be involved, like they think paying for it exempts them from any further obligations - hearing women claim that they work 3 days a week or they have other kids at home doesn't make them any better than any of the other parents either as nearly everyone works nowadays - i work, have 3 little children and now volunteer for 2 different committees to ensure that our kids get to have the best time they can - and i complain at times but i wouldn't have it any other way i think everyone could learn to give a little bit