Nov 21, 2005 00:59
Work was busy today.
After work, Samantha, Michele, my sister, and I went to eat at Ocharleys. After that, Sam, Mc and I went to a movie. We saw Derailed. It was SOOOO good. Stupid thing was, Sam couldnt buy the tix because she left her ID at home (and the rave is really anal about that) so I bought them. Well, when I asked for two, the lady asked th see her id...of course, and she didnt have it....and she told me I had to be 21 to buy more than one ticket. I was like WHAT? Does she look like she is under 17? Well she didnt care, and wouldnt sell me movie tickets! Come one people!!!!! These are freakin MOVIE TICKETS! Its not like I was trying to buy alcohol. Puleeze. That is the most assanine thing I have ever head. SO i was like...well give me two for chicken little. (dumb bitch). So....we just went in to the derailed movie anyway. Stupid people think they can stop me! HAH.
After the movie I took MC home, then me and Sam went to Wal mart. I got an mp3 player. YAY! it is sooo neat. I took her home. Now I am home and really tired. I am off work tomorrow.
Black Friday is going to SUCK! I have to work from 2AM- 9PM ,.......that is NINETEEN...19....18+1..........just too much. FYI, I will be crazy by the end of the night/day...whatever it is. AH