Aug 11, 2011 13:17
[ A Good morning, 1492 Kramden Road! If you leave the house and go into the backyard you'll find that there's been a bit of a change in the doghouse! And the pictures, too- whoever played the role of the family's pet "dog" has been replaced by... well, a cat. Or at least, at first glance, this white creature would seem like a cat with the ears and the expression, but it would look completely different upon closer inspection. He is simply standing there, outside the doghouse, with his collar on, and if his face could show expression, and if he were even capable of it in the first place, he would look confused. But his face and expression is completley unmoving and he's quiet for a while. Isn't he just the cutest, right... totally adorable... of course... ]
[ B Once he gets out of his house, Kyuubey goes exploring. Today, he can be found E V E R Y W H E R E. ...Mostly- anywhere he can go, anyway. Anyone is free to find him while he's standing somewhere from upwards, looking down at either the streets or random buildings and places, or standing in the most random places and just watching everything from where he is. Like a creeper. Which he is. That or he'll be just casually walking down the streets and looking around. He might have even just passed by you, right under your feet, like it's totally not strange at all! Which it probably isn't, considering that this is Mayfield. Feel free to spot him and catch him at any point in time while he's doing any of those things!
He'll stop eventually though, and suddenly start talking and thinking out loud, apparently. ]
I see. So that's what sort of place it is. [ and after that moment of cryptic vagueness- ] Designed specifically for the purpose of trapping everyone inside in any way possible. The facade of this normal and perfect life is kept up and maintained very well, though even when I think about it, I fail to understand the logic and the intentions of whoever is responsible all this. Though I am somewhat curious about how they did it! This might be a very advanced and unusual form of magic, or a especially sufficiently advanced technology that I haven't seen before.
[ C Later on, he'll be trying to bother and interact and talk with the drones, who of course will just treat him like a dog, literally, with him being a pet. His reaction will be completley unfazed; in his mind, he's just running a few experiments here, really. ]
Interesting. They don't seem to be acting at all. They appear to be entirely unaware of the reality of everything surrounding them, from the truth of what is happening to the simple fact that the so-called dog they're speaking to isn't actually a dog at all. When spoken too, they don't truly listen. It is clear that they are entirely mindless beings with no will of their own, meaning that the most likely possibility that they are automatons of some sort, perhaps actual androids.
[ D Finally- if you're a teenage girl, you'll find yourself approached by this thing. He'll just walk up to you so completley casually, calmly, and nonchalantly, like he's doing the most normal thing in the world! ]