Apr 26, 2007 15:31
Hey der everybodies.
Classes are officially over! Had my bio test yesterday, then i was free!! Hopefully I did well enough on the bio test :-/ ... siiiiigh. Only thing left is chem final and chem lab final. woo chem.
So guess whaat? I think Mike and I may have scabies! yayyyy!! NO. He's going to the doctor tomorrow.. I really hope any test they do comes up negative. crazyy. look it up, its pretty grody. Or maybe we have mono. Or ebola. who the fuck knows? we sure don't.
Ummmm.... living at courtyards next yearrr :) super excited about that. living with people i actually like! what a change! haha
HEY! POLL TIME! What music artist do you think i look like?
Mike leaves next Thursday.. :____( super tear. gonna be a loooong summer.