Amygdalas Gone Wild!

Mar 18, 2011 02:19

If you were unfortunate enough to read one of the last entries I wrote, I'm sorry you had to endure that awful post! Sometimes I tend to start rationalizing things in hyper speed and act irrational sometimes. Paul always has this little joke about "Your amygdala is on overdrive!" That's a fancy term for a part of your brain that rationalizes things, I think. I don't know, his therapist came up with that. If you really want to know what the hell it is, well here ya go .

Spring is in the air and I am happy about that. Although this year there hasn't been many blue bonnets here in Texas that I've seen. That makes me kind of sad! When I went to California the cherry blossoms were everywhere and that made up for the lack of flora and fauna here in southeast Texas. I've always (since I moved here) wanted to go out to the Texas hill country and see all the diversity of the wild flowers.

I imagined myself in a black Jeep Wrangler (no top) and a unique Texas style playlist on the stereo playing in the background as i take in all the smells and sights of the beautiful wildflowers. I wish I could afford a Jeep. Damn those are so damn expensive! I'm probably not alone with my secret travel fantasy, right? I also wish I could just take that same hypothetical jeep and ride on down to South Padre Island and park up on the beach with a six pack of Shiner Bock beer and whatever soundtrack I'm into at that moment playing on my iPhone. Fantasies, fantasies. Wouldn't that be lovely? A beach day is in order soon... even if it is the Gulf of Texaco!

I took that picture of the cherry blossoms right in front of my Grandma's house while I was in Morgan Hill! Here in S.E. Texas I can't really take too many of those pics... well, in about a month or two the crape myrtles will be blooming everywhere so that'll make up for the lack of beautiful flowering trees lacking in my life. Okay, now I'm rambling. If you're still reading this we can continue onto another topic, yes?

Texas Hill Country blue bonnets

Have you ever wondered if you should go through your facebook and delete a bunch of people you really don't care about, or particularly like? There are a bunch of people that I went to high school with that I really don't know, or care to know or think they are just plain ignorant. And there they are on my facebook! And the crazy fucking this is when I delete them, their ass is right there adding me back!! So, not only did the know that I deleted them, my proof of a friend's request is right there. Thanks a lot Mark Zuckerberg! Douche!

Often I contemplate deleting the whole facebook thing period but it occupies a significant hole in my life at this point! I don't want to go off the deep end without that added addiction in my life, worse yet fall into that significant hole. I'm pathetic.

OMG! Did you hear about that landslide on Highway 1 in California? The highway just fell right into the ocean! Craziness! I wonder if the earthquake in Japan had anything to do with that? I mean, according to Fox News this is Obama's plan to overthrow the Nuclear Industry and put more restrictions on private business owners from building more shoddy roads! When I see these fuckwits on TV wherever I go I get really disgusted and usually won't patron the store. Is that really wrong of me? When I worked in Greenway Plaza at the last place of employment that I will not mention (uuuggh) the lobby had a big 60" LCD screen with Fox News all the time! ALL THE TIME. I wanted to jump off the 9th floor terrace from time to time. Jesus, when the sky is falling there they are focused on Michelle Bachmann, Huckabee and Palin telling us that this is just President Obama's fault because his health plan is unconstitutional and the Government needs to be about as big as a postage stamp if everyone in America is going to be healthy wealthy and wise.

What a socialist, Marxist, Maoist, Stalinist, Mussolini-ist, Hitlerist, elitist, zebraist, calculist, etc... you get the idea. "Ist" makes it a bad word. The liberal agenda is everywhere and those damn activist judges? Well they are elitist communists who want everyone to be poor other than themselves! Nothing like the Republican view of the world where everyone is a tax-free rich soloist, if you will. Anyway, I'll step off of my soap box with my liberalist point of view. It's terrible when you continuously plot and plan to become an ex-patriot to Canada, or France! I'm an American damn it! We'll put a boot in your ass because it's the American way! Annihilate now, don't question ever!

With all of the problems going on in this world it's hard to take this all in. I can't watch the news without hearing about Libya, Egypt, or some other God forsaken shit-hole on this earth that takes precedence over our own domestic news. That whole Union thing in Wisconsin was pretty overlooked. I had to listen to talk radio like a caveman to get the information that I needed because the talking heads on TV weren't really mentioning it! I mean, Anderson Cooper wouldn't have been punched in the face if he had been in Madison, right? I mean, he went to Egypt to get that shiner! I love how John Stewart was really upset about the incident saying to the Egyptians "You better not touch one hair on his silver head! He's ours!"

Forget the local news too. RAPE RAPE RAPE BLACK PEOPLE ROBBERIES BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK!!!! AAAAAHHHHH THE NEGRO IS RUINING OUR WORLD!!! I swear our news stations have nothing else to report other than the local african american beat. Occasionally you get stories about my people (hispanics) doing bad things but it's really annoying having to wait for those stories. Oh wait, the weather is on there too. Hot weather and a chance of rain is all he has to say to sum up our climate. Hello?

Anyway, I got to get going. I've been sleeping until 12 and 1PM the past 3 or 4 weeks. I really should stop. I quit my job 30 days ago today. The vacation is over. Time to start looking for another job (not career). This part I hate the most!
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