Oct 08, 2005 22:23
I've had the weirdest dreams for the past two nights. Yesterday morning I was dreaming about My Chemical Romance...and I got to meet and hangout with Gerard. And we were getting along really well. They had this black car and it was parked on a cliff and I almost fell off the cliff. I seriously thought that would be the end of it, but I somehow grabbed hold and pulled myself up. We got into the car and Mikey was there. Mikey really hated me at first, for some reason. Every dream I've had with him...he pretty much hates my guts. But in this one, after a while, he didn't hate me and he tried to grab my hand.
Well Gerard saw that and got really furious and started screaming really loud at Mikey. It was pretty scary and I thought he was going to hit him or something. Anyway, he told us we weren't allowed to fool around and stormed off into this building. I don't know why, but this was a highly sexual dream. I pushed Mikey down onto the seat and kissed his neck, telling him he should get yelled at for something worthwhile. I then decided I needed something from inside the building and told Mikey I'd be right back. So I went into this large brick building and there was a long corridor in pitch black darkness. There was a door with a square window in it and I really didn't want to go in there...there were spirits or something in the building. I think I started to turn the doorknob and saw a little creepy girl or something and I turned and left as fast as I could.
Anyway, I got back to Mikey and he was shirtless now, but there was a couple going at it on the seat next to him, obviously taking up our space. We were disappointed, and I think we tried to feel each other up or something, but we were scared Gerard would see us. The rest of the dream was about us trying to get away and be alone together but we kept running into pitfalls. I think we wound up in a hospital bathroom...O_o But then Mikey didn't look like himself...he looked like this dorky guy. It was weird.
Then this morning I had a dream I was walking in a neighborhood in some suburban town with lots of green shrubs. They were really tall and created a maze. I was walking through the shrubs in darkness, trying to find my way home or something, but I didn't have my glasses on and everything was really blurry. I stopped at this streetlight and my uncle Pete came and got me in his car, picking me and someone else up at the same time. I was happy b/c someone had found me. But then I was in this little village/living room. I was with my aunt Nancy, who passed away when I was 16 and someone else.
We were up on the roof of this little hut and we were looking down at the village and I saw all of these enemies from Zelda's the Windwaker. And I was supposed to fight them and get something that I needed. But I didn't have a weapon! I was looking around frantically for a sword, but I realized I hadn't gotten up to that part of the game yet. That was my challenge. I had to get my sword, or get one of theirs and kill them off. I told everyone to duck down b/c there were birds flying overhead, spying on us. I told them to be quiet and the person I didn't know, was wounded. I think I needed to save that person and that's why I needed to fight off all the enemies. I hopped off the roof and was in this living room with a bunch of executives having a party. Some of them were looking at me, but I needed to be smooth and find a weapon. When I got to the place where the cave should be that was housing my weapon, there was a largescreen t.v. in its place. I suddenly felt like I had walked into a trap of some sort and was trying to think of a way out of it, still wondering how I was going to save that person on the roof. Especially with no weapon and a room full of executives threatening to turn into monsters.
I think I woke up then.
~Cheers :)
Leave a note to tell me how insane my psyche is.