Dec 03, 2004 02:10
Wow, haven't posted in a looong while. I went away to New York for the Thanksgiving holiday, which was cool. I got to see some of my family and stuff, so that was great. I also go to eat at this really pricey restaurant with my parents and the Evelyns. I've been craving the stuffed clams from there for like...5 years or so... Yeah, long time. Hmm...I also got to see Conan O'Brien, who I love and want to marry. Haha...yeah, that was awesome. We went on Tuesday morning to get stand-by tickets, but in the afternoon when we'd returned to see if we could get in, we wound up getting clipped. Instead of Conan, we got to see a taping of Carson Daly. It was still cool...but I really wanted to see Conezone. So on Thanksgiving my dad and I went out at 6 a.m. to get a spot. Thank God, when it came time for the taping, we made it in. It was sooo worth it. The guests were Steve Irwin, Paul Giamatti, and the Zutons. It was a great show and it was totally meant for us to not have caught the taping on Tuesday. Anwyay, New York was great. It was nice and cold and we got to do the tourist thing as well as visit family. Only bad thing was the horrrrrrid drivers. They use their blinkers, unlike many Floridians, but they still drive like a-holes. Especially the taxi drivers. I guess since it isn't their car, they don't care, but they'll literally jump right in front of you or barge their way in. It sucked.
Well I have more day of school left, yet this weekend is going to be SUPER busy trying to catch up with all of my drawing stuff. Ughhhh....I can't wait until school is officially over and its vacation time. Eh...
Let's see what else...I talked to Adam for the first time in several weeks. With me going on vacation and all, I came back and was sort of sick and struggling to make up work. He sent me some cool songs and said we needed to hang out. I gave him my number AGAIN. I'm sure he'll lose it and ask me for it again. >_< Ughhhh....
Hmm...I think that's about it. I'm quite tired and really don't feel like writing anymore. :/ I'll update soon. ~Cheers :)