I think I'm going to hate this interim thing. I'm taking a mass communications special topics course to fill my 400 level requirement. "Sex and Violence in the Media". I find it fascinating and the reading has challenged my existing beliefs and, strangely, I'm finding myself taking a more conservative (not the political definition) view on things that I once did not see as a problem. I don't know if I'll continue with this new mode of thinking, as it will require a lot more thought on my part. I'm sure I'll end up posing some about the class in here since I'm without a job and thus have too much free time. My professor is this tiny, quirky Chinese man. He's got a different sense of humor, that's for sure. He loves puns way too much, and for some reason he's obsessed with southern accents. This one frat-daddy red-neck has a thick one, and the professor always has to say something about it. I'm sure it irritates the guy. The only problem I have with the class is that it makes me want to fight. Not physically, ha, I want to get into arguments over the studies. I think that many of them are horribly biased and they are spin masters. They can make anything sound evil. Me and this other guy were pointing out some of the spin-tastic parts of this video we watched and the professor was pleased. We'll see.
On a happier note, I got into Danielle's vodkaid last night. Two glasses -- two. That's all it took. I'll have you know that it's the
cutest vodka on the planet. OMFG it's so good. Since she's so awesome I'm going to give her money (if I ever have any) and get a bottle =D
So, Volvo makes cars for soccer moms and backhoes, apparently. Must be the safest backhoes ever. On that note I'd like to add that the hole that once existed across the road from Rose is now a flatish ground that no longer smells like the bottom of a lake. Hooray for the lack of shit-smell.
More to come eventually. Right now I must go play violent videogames.