Sep 12, 2004 02:22
this evening we attended the usf game, which was really just a glorified high school football game, but fun nonetheless. whoever thought it was a good idea for allison and i to split the extra large, seven dollar and fifty cent beer was seriously mislead. we are girls, we just wanted like two sips.. dang, so we got suckered into drinking most of it. saw a lot of "cool" kids that went to st. pete campus with me last year and got to meet them, nice people for the most part. allison and i are snobs so we kept running up to her parents box everytime we had to pee, so we could use the airconditioned, clean bathroom. such bitches.
we had dinner at hops and they made me throw away my fashionable nicole miller umbrella, oh well, just an umbrella, i guess. now zachary's loud and rowdy friends are over, not cute and not polite. zachary and i started beating the shit out of each other, except this time i think we both took it a little too far, i might have bruises. if they all don't SHUT THE FUCK UP in about ten minutes, they are going to witness something few have seen and i will feel bad for afterward. okay, so i made friends with them. the one girl is all wannabe punkrock/indie chick but has the most adorable gucci bag and we are going to sushi next week!! plus her belt says her name on it, LIKE I WANT, but she got it from nordstrom, which is so not punk rock.
some fake greek kid tried to dance with me and we put a nice stop to that and then i painted zachary's nails pink, just like me! i really need sleep and i want a fraternity boyfriend, that is all. goodnight,loves.